Part 5 - I'm not scared

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Tuesday, 10 p.m

It's been 2 days. They weren't in school, but today I wasn't lucky, after I sat down and closed my eyes, I could smell them coming in class.

~School bell~

I could sense their stares.

"Are you not going to get up?"

I ignored it like I didn't hear it. Suddenly my bag fell and hit the ground hard.

"Don't ignore me! I know you can hear me and I know who you are as well as you know who we are."

"I don't care, and I'm not scared of you!"

"Do you even believe yourself?"

I could feel anger boiling up in my veins. Would they really start in here?


"Are you always going to talk to me trough thought's?"


"Or you will start a normal conversation like normal people?"

After this sentence the rest of the day was quet.

~After school~

After getting out of  the school exit I could see them all by the school gates. I got that mixed feeling again, anger and fear taking over me.  As I got closer to them I couldn't not pass them without their eyes burning in my skin. Right after I stepped out of the school gates I saw Beomgyu and Taehyun.

"What are you doing here?"

"Didn't we tell you were going to watch out for you?"

I looked in their direction, then turned back to Beomgyu and Taehyun.

"Can we go somewhere more quet?"

After that we left school, and got to their apartment.
Right after entering the door i saw Yeonjun staring at me from kitchen door frame.

"Didn't I tell you we're going to watch out for you?"

"Didn't I say I can protect myself?"

"Are you going to fight again?"

Soobin interupted. After that we all got on the living room couch.

"Tomorrow is friday, maybe we all could get out on the weekend and have some fun."

Beomgyu asked, and suddenly I could see smiles on everyone's face's.

" Y/N? Are you comin?"

Heuning Kai asked looking at me with eyes that made me feel like I have done something bad to him.  After pretending to think for a while I answered:


Suddely the room got filled with laugh and exited cheers.

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