Part 9 - Scared

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Friday 3 p.m

After recieving the note I was scared. All week I lived in the boys apartment. I was so scared I never left the apartment. Whenever I needed something, I asked the boys to get me.  

Knock, Knock

Yeonjun opened the doors with a bag of blood in his hand.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm ok."

"We were going to go out for dinner, maybe you want to come with us?"

I thought about it for a second, if I stay here they can come here and attack me while I'm here.

"I'll get ready and go."

After 30 min

We sat down at the table in corner. I sat in the middle of Yeonjun and Beomgyu.

"I hope my food comes fast. I want to eat."

Soobin said as he looked at the kitchen door. We all were chatting. I looked at the door and saw Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung and Jeongin entering.  Suddenly I got cold and I shivered. Beomgyu who sat on my left also saw them and he put his hand on mine and whispered.

"It will be ok."

I looked at him and smiled. Somehow he always knew how to help me calm down. The night went OK, but I saw Jisung staring at me from across the room. After that we went home and on our way there I understood that if I stay here, I will never feel safe again. As we went inside I told them all my plan.

"I'm thinking about moving to a different city so I could feel safe."


This was  hard. I knew Yeonjun will never approve of me moving away, I was like his little sister.

"I have to. If I stay here I may never be able to go somewhere without you all."

"Let's make a deal..."

Yeonjun started.

"You can travel somewhere for a while and stay somewhere. If you feel better away from here, after returning I will allow you to go anywhere you want to go."

I understood that I had no other chances and agreed.

"Just one thing."


"You can't go alone. If they find you there you will be in danger."

I was ok with it.

"But who?"

"I can!"

Beomgyu interupted.

"They know Yeonjun is (Y/N) best friend. So it would be better if one of us go with her."

"I'm ok with it."

I said and smiled to Beomgyu.

"Then monday you could go to school for the last day and inform you going on a vacation."

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