Part 14 - Returning home

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It's been about 3 weeks since we have lived in Hawaii. It's tims to go home. Right now I'm sitting in the plane. There's that question going trough my mind "What now?". I understand that I'm returning home, but the idea of foing home and meeting them in school, I did not like.

While I was drowned in my thought's I didn't knew what was happening there.


I had to convince them. I didn't want to kill her. She's amazing and I like her, I mean I love her. Everything about her is amazing.

"Jisung, you know we can't do that!"

"You don't get it! It's important for me. I love that girl and I think she deserves to live. I don't care that I'm breaking some old rules."

I hoped he woukd agree and understand me. I mean he should.

Chan's answe shocked me.

[Y/N POV.]

"You're home!!!"

Never in all these years I've seen Yeonjun so happy.

"Yeah, I know you missed me."

We were laughing and hugging. It felt like forever since I saw them last time.
We got home in less than 30 minutes and we already were drowned in conversations. It's been only 3 weeks, but it feels like 3 years.

"Feels good to be home."

"So you're going to stay forever?"

"I don't know about forever, but for now yes!"

Followed by a loud scream:


Yeonjun was happy. My brothers were happy what more should I need. I'm going to die soon anyway... RIGHT?

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