step 7- caturgay

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"'Step Seven: Be spontaneous! Don't just randomly show up at his door, especially if he never gave you his address—yet you somehow know it anyway. Instead, surprise him! Get him something sweet if his birthday is coming up, or bring a few sweets to school and hand them out exclusively, letting him be one of a small group of people receiving them!'" Jisung reads aloud. "You probably know his address, right?"

I lower my head shamefully.

"I'll take that as a yes."

I nod and bite my lower lip as I think. "I'm not even going to see him today; it's Saturday."

Jisung raises his eyebrows and comes closer. He playfully places a hand under my chin and forces me to look at him, then brings his face close to mine, like he's about to kiss me. I'm not even fazed, because I know what's coming next.

I've known him too long.

"Knock knock."

I sigh. "Who's there?"

"The food delivery guy."

"The food delivery guy who?"

"It seems like you're missing a few raspberries." He blows a raspberry at my face and giggles, leaning away again.

Spit flies. Super sanitation. Doctors all over the world are quaking; Jisung is a master at hygiene. I make a face and wipe my face, getting the death droplets all over my sleeve. Who knows what diseases Jisung could be carrying? He resembles a squirrel enough to be as rabid as one.

"Han Jisung, someday I'm going to dump a bucket of spit on your head for every time you've done that with absolutely no context."

He sticks his tongue out at me and is clearly relishing the sight of me wiping his slobber off of my skin (ew, why did I word it like that?) when his phone rings. He gives me the "wait a second; the person calling is more important than you" hand gesture and picks it up.

"Yeah  ...  Oh, really?  ...  Cool!  ...  Yeah, I'm sure he'd love to  ...  Tomorrow works, yeah  ...  M'kay  ...  See you tomorrow, then!" He hangs up and turns to me, then rereads the passage from the book. "We've been invited to Changbin's house tomorrow. You can save both today's and tomorrow's tips for tomorrow."

I groan. "What should I get him, then? Cookies?"

"Cookies are good," Jisung thinks aloud.

"Not for you, dummy, for him. As a 'thanks for inviting me' kind of thing."

"Duh, but am I not allowed to like cookies?" Gosh darn it, sometimes Jisung annoys me to the Czech Republic and back. Czech... cookie... both start with 'C.' Huh. The random things in life.

I sigh. "I completely agree that cookies are a glorious creation, but, please, help me out here. What should I get him?"

My airheaded best friend decides to say, "aren't you getting him cookies?"

Cookie Monster. Confirmed. Jisung is a rabid squirrel, and he's also Cookie Monster. Rabid Cookie Squirrel Monster. No. I'll find a better way to phrase it.

I sigh again. I've been sighing a lot recently, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

In the end, we decide to get him cookies. Or rather, Jisung decides, and I don't have the energy or willpower to argue, so I just sigh and go along with it.

I need to stop sighing. One day I'm going to sigh so hard that all the air in my body leaves, and then I'm a blob of mushy body fluids and parts... ew. I need to break this sighing habit, pronto.

And with that thought, I sigh again. I'm so not in the mood for breaking a habit. Ugh.

I sig- no. I stop myself from committing the heinous crime and just place my precious money on the counter to buy the gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, soy-free, egg-free, sugar-free, (probably also cookie-free at this point) school-safe cookies.

Hopefully that covers any allergies that Minho has, because (obviously) I'm aware of every allergy that Changbin has and I even carry around an epipen because I am in love and I care about his safety.

So, yeah. I'm not weird at all.

No, not at all.


Squookie Monsbid.

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