step 22- seungay

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Step Twenty Two: Be careful not to bombard him with notifications and attention by sending multiple text messages in a row or liking more than 2 posts at a time. When responding to texts, send 1-2 messages as your response and then wait for him to answer! If you're speaking in person, try to keep a balanced conversation. That means listening, yes, but you also need to have some input!!

For the first Sunday in my life, waking up in the morning is a darned jolly thing.

I'm next to Changbin. I'm in Changbin's bed. I'm hugging his side; he has an arm around my shoulder.


I check to make sure my pants are still on, because, if they aren't, I'm going to scream.

They're on. Thank goodness. So Changbin and I didn't... yeah. I sigh with relief, actually forgetting to say it out loud. My heartbeat quickens as Changbin pulls me closer, mumbling something.

"What?" I ask, just like every idiot in every sappy romance movie ever. It takes me a moment to realize that Changbin is asleep; he can't hear me. I want to smack my forehead for multiple reasons all at once.

Trying not to jostle around too much, I lean over, searching for my phone on the nightstand. It's not there. My pockets? Not there.

I briefly wonder how we ended up back here as some of last evening's events come back to me. I remember everything up until the moment I started drinking, so maybe Changbin and I walked back here. We didn't drive there, so we couldn't have driven back.

Still nestled into Changbin's warm embrace, I smile with content. I wouldn't mind spending my entire Sunday with him. Or my entire life. I'm not very picky; beggars can't be choosers.

Something vibrates against my foot. Carefully, I maneuver it up to my hand using some strange techniques I picked up while dancing, and, lo and behold, it's my phone. I have a text from Jisung. Technically three texts, but I round down.


u and changbin just...

we're at home dw
tell chan thank you from us
and that we'll talk more later

have fun ;)
at  " h o m e "

u and minho better be careful

that's so random
and also uncalled for
i hate you

ilyt 😘


Okay, so that's taken care of. I honestly hope we said a proper good-bye when we left last night, but I can't remember anything. Worth it, though. Getting drunk was fun.

Don't get drunk, kids. Unless you're legal. And don't move just to be legal in a different country, okay? Go by the rules of where you live. Not that any kids are aware of this—I'll shut up.

I need to... um... excrete. This presents a problem, because I don't want to get out of the bed. I wouldn't know how to without waking Changbin up.

Giving it a go anyway, I awkwardly turn in place, shifting so that my legs hang over the edge while my torso doesn't move. Grunting with slight effort, I detach myself from Changbin and roll out of the bed in one move. I should be a stunt-double at this rate, to be honest. I think my moves are epic.

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