step 8- seungay

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Step Eight: Leave all your bad qualities at home, and don't let them peek out! Now, we said "be yourself," but show more good than bad! Everyone is more good than they are bad, but in some people it takes more to bring it out! Show him your best version of yourself!

"This step is so contradicting the other ones. Also, they're basically saying that you're a terrible person, but you should shove that part of yourself in a box and hide it," Jisung comments the next morning. "Anyway, we're late. Put on your pink turtleneck and let's hit the road, Mister Toad."

I gape up at him from my warm cocoon on the bed. "Why the pink one?"

"Minho told me that Changbin says you look amazing and cuddle-able in it," he smirks at me. Instead of sighing (like one would expect me to) I groan.

"You and Minho have grown pretty close," I point out.

Jisung's eyes flash with some indecipherable emotion. I know he has a thing for Minho... but that look is different. Somehow sad, as if there's something he wants to tell me but can't. I want to reach out and hug him, but the look fades away quickly. Jisung pastes on a smile.

"Yeah, I know. He just can't resist the Jibooty, what can I say?"

"Jisung, you are aware that people use 'Jibooty' to refer to Park Jimin, right?" He stares at me blankly, and I am reminded that I am the only BTS fan in my whole school. Oh, well. "Let's just go. Give me a minute alone to get ready, will ya?"

Jisung obliges and leaves, standing right outside my bedroom door. "One, two, three, four, five..." I can't actually believe that he's going to count for a whole minute.

Actually, scratch that. I can believe it.

I find my pink turtleneck and slip it on, then put black ripped jeans on, even though it's January, and my legs will freeze. I shove on my white sneakers and get out of my room just as Jisung reaches "... fifty six." He's surprised by me slamming the door open, mostly because it hits his nose. He touches the area gently and whines, "Lix, I think my nose is broken."

I have no sympathy for him, so I pinch it and move it side to side. "Nah, it's still intact. You should feel lucky; it's even connected." He scowls at me and picks up the box of cookies I bought yesterday, but not before I notice something funny.

Not funny.

Not funny at all, actually.

Quite scandalous.

"Jisung, there's a cookie missing."

He grins at me sheepishly. "I, uh, um, I just... yeah."

I shake my head disapprovingly at him, not saying a word.

"Sorry," he says after a while, "but we really should get going. We can put the cookies in a box and say you made them yourself if you want." It's actually a good idea, which is weird, because Jisung never has good ideas. I grab a plastic box and dump the cookies in it, then we're off for real.


"Welcome," Minho greets us. "Come inside; it's fun inside." I almost snort at the Mickey Mouse theme song, but I catch myself. Can't be snorting around Changbin, who has the cutest snort ever. I'd immediately be out-snorted.

I've seen the inside of Changbin's house before, but I still pretend like it's my first time. After all, nobody—except for Jisung—knows that I've stood in the bushes, watching Changbin watch TV for hours at a time.

If anyone other than Jisung knew, my already nonexistent social reputation would be screwed.

"Bin, they're here!" Minho calls out. He smiles at me then eyes my turtleneck. His grin changes into a smirk. Changbin comes out of the kitchen and does a double take when he sees me. He quickly looks at Minho and blushes. Minho takes Jisung by the shoulder and leads him in the direction of the living room.

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