step -1913- HJFC »extra«

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BER 24th, 2014.



I absentmindedly chew on the eraser of my pencil as my teacher drones on and on about some mathematic formula... or something. Honestly, I don't even know which class I'm in. It's my second month of high school, almost the third, and I really just want a nap.

My best friend and low-key brother, Lee Felix, notices my droopy eyes. He blinks repeatedly, conveying some message in Morse Code. I don't have the patience to decipher it and just wave him off, letting a small groan of frustration slip past my lips as I put my head to the desk.

Felix huffs and turns back to his notes. At least he was able to sleep last night. In less than a year, Felix will be moving out of my house and into his own apartment. As will I. We're going to be neighbors, away from my loud parents.

Not that I don't love them. But having a water gun fight at midnight is not really the best way to let your kids sleep.

I force my hand to grip the pencil and marvel at how weak it feels for a solid two seconds. Wow. Blinking hard to prevent myself from yawning, I drag my hand around my notebook in an attempt at note-taking.

It doesn't work. I glance back at Felix, helpless.

He only shrugs and starts mouthing words to me, words that I don't want to decipher. All the normal methods of communication? Gone.

I shake my head at Felix; he sighs, giving up. His eyes light up, and he sighs again. And again. Again, and again, and again, and again~ Oh, boy. It seems as though Felix has discovered the joy of sighing.

I close my eyes and rest my head against the table, and I begin to daydream.

A certain boy I like floats into the meadow of my fantasies.

Ah, Lee Minho. He does strange things to my heart.

Not to be obsessed or anything, but Minho is perfect, and no one can tell me otherwise, because I will slap them in the face until they drop dead or beg for mercy... mercy that I won't give them.

Minho has the cutest nose. Yes, that's where I'm starting off. It's nice and slanted at a good angle, and the end is so boppable that I want to cry every time I see it. His left eye is also really cute. When he smiles, it scrunches up on the side, and I can already tell that he's going to have smile wrinkles when he's older. Smile wrinkles are the best wrinkles, by the way. His right eye, on the other hand—or, should I say, on the other eye—is what I've dubbed The Sexy Eye. Whenever he is being hot (which is always... but still) my attention is always drawn to his right eye.

Or maybe it's his right eye from my perspective, so actually his left one. I don't know. I still can't tell right and left apart very well.

Anyway, moving on to his lips.

Oh, Lee Minho's lips.

Yes, that says enough for itself. I don't need to delve into how much I want to kiss his lips—yeah, that's enough for now.

And his Adam's apple. Dear lord. It's like perfection rolled up into a ball and shoved down his throat. Wait. That sounded wrong. Um, moving on.

His shoulders are a perfect width for snuggling with, and his collarbone is pretty visible for a guy... so there's that. He has nice arms that are connected to nice, medium-sized hands. I like big hands, but if it's Minho I can let it slide. Moving downward, his hips—

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