step 23.5- q&a

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in the past, there was a chapter where i asked people to submit questions to the characters of the story. it has since been deleted (unpublished heh), but here are the answers! not in a normal format, though.

read to find out ;)


To clear up confusion, I am : Nina


A teenage girl stands on a stage, scrambling to hand out microphones to the very confused interviewees. "Why are we even here?" Minho asks, judgmentally looking around him. "Are we on some kind of show?"

The girl only shushes him and clears her throat, addressing the audience. "Hello, everyone! You've asked your questions; now it's time to answer. They don't really know what's going on, but we've temporarily taken down a few walls in their minds so that they give us the information we desire! I'm your host, Nina, and it's my pleasure to present you with the answers."

She crosses over to Felix, first. "Lee Felix, I've got a few questions for you."

"Shoot, then. Unless you want me to be your boyfriend, because I can't do that. First of all, you ain't a dude. Not your fault. Second of all, Changbin is right there." Felix smiles at that, his eyes crinkling. Changbin sends him a small, fond wave, making all the viewers collectively UwU.

Nina only nods, judgmental as Minho was. "Yes, yes. Okay. Our first question, asked by Nana, known to most as FeLiXeU_skzee, is this: 'how does it feel to have accomplished your goal seventy-seven steps ahead of the book?' Felix, your answer?"

"Wow, okay. I feel... incredible? I don't even know—"

"Book?" Changbin cuts in. "There's a book?"

Felix pales. "Ha... nope. Um, yeah. It just... it feels great, y'know? I didn't actually think I'd be able to, but... yeah. Can't say much else, since Binnie doesn't really know what I mean."

Changbin gives him a side-eye look. "Yeah."

"I know!" Jisung exclaims, grinning. Minho puts a hand on his shoulder to guide him back into a sitting position. "But I won't say, because I'm smart and mature like that."

"Okay, Felix. Second question for now, asked by FBI_KpopMumfan. We can return to you later. 'Do you still wanna strangle Jisung for saying "Call Felix's boyfriend"?'"

Jisung's eyes fly wide open as he scoots back in his chair. "You—what?"

"No, not anymore, Ji. Don't worry. You're safe from me, since your act of recklessness caused Changbin and me... it feels so weird saying it! It caused Changbin and me to be in a relationship. Which we're in now, by the way. Which is a fact I still cannot wrap my mind around."

"Well, I'll give you a minute or two to recuperate as we move on to Changbin's questions! The first one, from its_seodark, has a bit of background context for you. Not only will this clear things up for you, Changbin, but for some of our other interviewees, as well!"

Changbin raises a single eyebrow. Or... not single. Nothing about Changbin is single anymore, which is a fact that Felix can't wrap his mind around.

"'Felix followed a book, called How to Get a Boyfriend 101 to get you to like him (I'm sure you already did). How does this make you feel?' They went on to say, 'Also, you're awesome; keep going ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.'"

Changbin slowly turns to Felix. "This is the book? Really, Lixie? You used a book?"

Felix blushes and hides his face behind a brand-new, pink turtleneck's sweater paws.

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