New Beginning

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"Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you'll get to where God wants you to be."

-Joel Osteen

Evie took a deep breath looking at all the papers spread out on her desk in her small apartment. Her name stared up at her fom all the information and admittance packets: Evelyn Charlotte Lawrence they all said. SSA Evelyn Lawrence... she tried out in her mind. She smiled... she liked the sound of that. Hopefully someday soon she could own up to that name. Her first day as an intern at the BAU started tomorrow, and she couldn't possibly bemore excited and nervous at the same time. She heard these people were good. Real good. Evelyn was one to freak out and overthink small matters, but she couldn't help herself. Before she had even thought of sleeping, she had been staying up, learning as much as she possibly could about her next division, the protocols, the guidlines, past cases, and all of the team members whose names she went through one last time: Aaron Hotchner, Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia, David Rossi, Spencer Reid, and Derek Morgan. She hoped she was ready.

Evie yawned and stretched back in her chair. Her eyes stung with fatigue although her mind still raced with thoughts of tomorrow. She had to at least try to go to bed though. It was already 1:30AM and she had to get up at 6:30. Evie stood up and shoved the admittance files into the brown folder with the FBI logo on the front. She padded across the tile floor, through her living room full of sketches and paintings on the tables, walls and chairs, and then into her bedroom.

Standing in front of the mirror plastered on her wall, Evelyn combed her hand through her deep red-brown hair that reached right past her shoulder and ever so slightly curled at the ends. Her own deep gray eyes stared back at her as she fixed her hair into a loose bun as she always did before bed. Her tight gray tee hugged her waist right above her favorite navy blue plaid pajama pants. Satisfied with her comfort, Evie switched off the light and crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep. The same questions kept running through her mind though. What if the BAU agents didn't like her? What if she screwed up? What if she just didn't belong there?

'Stop it, Evie.' she scolded herself. Why'd she have to overthink everything? She used to be so easy-going and so loose. Ever since her mother died however, she just had become more high strung. Not to mention more distant, shy, secluding...

Evie sighed and turned to face her window on the far side of her bedroom. She liked being alone though, didn't she? She had her art, her books, her job; what more could she need?

'A friend. Someone who loves me.' she thought, but then quickly dismissed the thought. She didn't need that. She was fine being alone. She was fine.


"Damn..." Spencer muttered under his breath. He wasn't one for swearing unless it was a special occasion. This was definitely a special occasion. The line stretched all the way out the store; how was he supposed to get his coffee now? Dr. Spencer Reid glanced down at his watch again. He only had fifteen minutes to get to work at his normal time. Granted, his normal time was unnecessarily early, but he didn't want to mess with the system. To wait for his favorite coffee, or to settle for the coffee at the office... couldn't he just do both? Spencer put his arm back down at his side and took a couple steps forward in line. Yeah, he could do both, he decided.

By the time Spencer got to the front, he had seven minutes and twenty four seconds to get to work, so he ordered his usual in a hurry. Impatiently and rapidly tapping his foot, Spencer let his mind wonder to whatever came to mind first, this time being going through Shakespeare's Othello word for word for kicks. He never missed a scene, or a phrase, or even a word for that matter. The same went for nearly all of Shakespeare's work as well as many other of his favorite authors and writers. An eidetic memory was always very helpful.

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