Doors Not There Before

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"Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before."
― Mignon McLaughlin

Evie scribbled out the last of the report from their last case, shaking her hand out afterwards to rid of the cramps. The black glossy ink was already beginning to dry, leaving detailed information of the last unsub they'd caught. The same unsub that had nearly killed Spencer.

Spencer. Evie thought. Her Spencer. She hadn't stopped thinking about him since the other night when they had kissed. It had been absolutely perfect, the long wait making it all the more special. She could almost still feel his lips on hers and his breath on her neck, just as she had last night on his chest. Evelyn thought that might've been the best moment of her life. She didn't regret one bit.

She brought Spencer to work; his car was still broken down in the BAU parking lot. She had spent just a little bit extra time with how she looked today, thought just a little more about what she'd say, and how he was only five feet away from her nearly the entire work day. Evie had to admit, she was a little worried that things would be awkward between them. She was worried that maybe they'd act like it didn't happen and carry on a fake and awkward co-worker relationship. It must've just been her overthinking side however, because as soon as Spencer climbed into her car to go to work, he gently leaned forward and pulled her into a kiss, just as good as the night before. It was quick, but nothing less amazing. Evelyn found herself craving more.

Lost in her thoughts, she jumped at the light contact of something hitting her on the top of her head. Evie frowned and looked around her desk cubicle, wondering what it was. A small scrap of paper had fallen onto her desk in front of her with blue ink written on it. She bit her lip and smiled, realizing where it had come from. She leaned back in her chair to look over at Spencer who was acting oblivious at his desk. She saw his eyes peek over at her and then return back to his papers, grinning ever so slightly. Evie chuckled and looked down at the folded piece of paper, opening the note.


Was the only thing it said. Evie smiled at how cute the simplicity of it was, and clicked her pen open. She wrote write under it.

Hey you

Evelyn folded the paper back up and looked at Spencer, taking aim. She tossed the paper over the aisle so that it hit the red fabric of his cardigan on his shoulder. She watched as his eyebrows went up in surprise for a moment, before he realized it was the note and looked up at Evie. He gave her the most charming smile she thought she's ever seen, and then bended over to snatch up the note from where it had fallen.

Spencer smiled to himself, scribbling out something else that was definitely longer than a 'hi'. Folding it back up, he threw it back to Evie who managed to catch it this time. She opened it up, more than excited to see what it said.

Coffee after work today? My treat.

Evie beamed and put the note in her pocked and looked over at Spencer who was watching her, waiting for an answer. She nodded, making him happily sigh and smile. Evelyn just barely caught Morgan out of the corner of her eye who was giving them a suspicious look. She didn't let her gaze linger on him for long, and they returned back to their work, both of them hurrying to get everything done so that they could finally go on their first official date. They hadn't told the team anything yet since they both knew how they'd react. It's not that they didn't want them to know, Spencer and her had just mutually decided to let them figure it out for themselves.

With only one hour left, Evie had gotten up to go to the kitchenette and wash out her coffee cup. She tore off a section of paper towel to dry the inside when she felt someone behind her. Evie put her mug down on the counter in time for familiar arms to wrap around her waist from behind and breath to graze her shoulder, making her shiver. Spencer embraced her tightly and burried his face in the spot where her neck and shoulder met, nuzzling her skin. Evie sighed with bliss and leaned her head to the side to rest against his, enjoying the soft feel of his hair.

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