To the End

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        "And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time."

~Jesus Christ

        Spencer was thrown into yet another cell, barely concsious. His eyes barely opened and then closed again as he tried to see who he was thrown in with this time, but he just couldn't get past the pain.

        Reid's back was completely seared this time around. The unsub pulled him into the room once more and tied him to an old wooden beam near the other end of the room. He had tied Spencer's hands up so that he couldn't see what the unsub was doing  behind him. Spencer had heard the crackle of fire however, and heard the sound of ashes and coals sifting around. Once he had listened to that, he knew this time would be worse than both of the first two. 

        The first time the unsub pushed the hot stoker into Spencer's back, he thought he'd die right there. Never ever in his life had he ever felt so much pain. He could smell the awful scent of burning flesh and see smoke rise from around him. He felt his skin become mutilated more and more by the second.         

        He hadn't lasted too long on that session. He didn't know how far the stoker sunk into him, but the excrutiating pain was too much. The entire time he spent fading in and out, hoping to just fade out for good so that he could escape. He had tried so hard not to scream, but it didn't end up working. For most of the fifteen min

        "Oh my god..." Spencer heard, bringing him back to present time in the new cell he was thrown into. Garcia. "Reid... Reid, are... are you okay?" she stuttered, making her way to his side. Spencer squeezed his eyes shut and cringed. 

        "Not really..." he groaned. Spencer tried to roll onto his back from his side but that was a  bad idea. Shooting stabbing pains shot through his back, causing him to jerk back onto his side. 

        "Don't... don't move..." Penelope stuttered. She moved to the side of his burns and gasped. She covered her mouth as tears cascaded down her cheeks. "Oh dear god..." 

        "Garcia. Garcia, baby. Listen carefully to my instructions." Morgan's voice came. Spencer was hearing less and less however as he faded out and in more and more. 

        "He's falling asleep! Or losing consciousness, or... or dying, I don't know!" Garcia cried out. 

        "I'm not dying." Spencer croaked, his throat sore from the screaming out. 

        "Stay awake, Pretty Boy." Derek said. He tried to focus on Morgan's voice, or Garcia's heavy breathing, or even Evie's quiet crying that was hurting his chest. It wasn't working. It sounded like he was underwater and when he could find the strength to open his eyes, everything was in slow motion like he was underwater.    

        "I- I can't..." Spencer was just barely able to whisper as darkness consumed him. 

        Sometime later, he didn't know how long it was, Spencer woke up again. He half expected himself to be back in his bed, wrapped up in Evie. He felt hair on his shoulder, and at first he wondered if it was Evie, but then he realized it didn't feel like Evie's hair at all. Spencer forced his eyes open and looked up to see that he was slumped against a cold wall, Garcia's arm around the back of his shoulders. His head rested on her shoulder that shook along with her sobs. He felt a cloth around his back and looked down to see Garcia's sweater jacket tied tightly around his chest, more so around his back. 

        "Oh my god, Spencer?" she asked, craning her head to the side to look Reid in the eyes. 

        "Yeah..." he groaned, shifting into a more comfortable position. Garcia tightened her arm around him and put a hand on his far shoulder. 

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