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"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

-Ingrid Bergman

The picture that Evelyn drew of Spencer stared back at her from Reid's desk. She smiled and shook her head, amazed at how far they had come from just bumping into eachother in the cafe. She loved him. She knew it for sure now. Everything about her just made her feel with a warmth and excitement for life. His dorkiness, but his strength at the same time. The way he didn't care what people thought of him. His brains. His sensitivity and sweetness. Just everything Spencer Reid, she was uncontrollably in love with.

She remembered this feeling though. She remembered how she had once felt it and how it had ended...

Evie shook her head as if to rid of the bad thoughts, her brown curls brushing against her face as she did. Spencer wasn't anything like Calvin. She had to get that out of her head and just relax and let Spencer happen. It was easier said than done after what she had gone through, but she had decided to trust him.

Evie grabbed the rest of the things from her desk and slung her bag over her shoulder. She took one last look around the empty bullpen that was beginning to feel like home, and then made her way to the elevator.

The dark parking lot was illuminated two lone street lights, and there were only a few cars left. Under the nearest street lamp, the silhouette of Spencer was leaned over the open hood of an old light blue car. She could see the outline of him fiddling with the insides of the car, smoke rising from the engine. Evie didn't know a ton about cars, but she did know that it didn't look to good.

"Hey, what are you still doing here?" she called out as she approached Spencer, making him jump and look at her with wide eyes. She raised her eyebrows at him, startled by his response.

"Sorry, you scared me. Mm... my engine just is... dead..." he said, examining the parts of the car through the thick clouds of smoke. His eyebrows were pulled together in thought, his jaw set as he examined the car. Evie tried to hold herself back from thinking about how sexy he looked in that moment.

"Let me give you a ride. It'll make us even from the night you drove me home from the bar." she suggested, ignoring the car and looking into Spencer's eyes that were glimmering, even in the dim light of the night. He frowned at Evie and tilted his head.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Come on, I'll get you a ride here tomorrow too." she said as Reid nodded and slammed the hood of his car shut. He walked to the driver's side where the front door was still ajar and turned off the car, pulling out the keys. Evie bit her lip, watching every single move he made. She felt the need to be his. She felt the need to wake up every morning in his arms and to fall asleep to those sparkling brown eyes. They'd be engaged, then get married, then have kids, then grow old...

Woah, Evie... she thought to herself. You're not even dating yet. Slow down. What if he didn't want to date? She was pretty positive that he did, but...

Stop overthinking. He's Spencer. He's sweet and thoughtful, and he loves you... he does... she told herself. Watching the way he smiled at her when he turned to her made Evelyn believe everything she told herself.

"Ready?" she asked, trying not to reflect her thoughts in her voice. Reid gave her a small smile and nodded, grabbing his satchel from the backseat of his car and pulling it over his shoulder. Together, they walked towards Evie black car at the other end of the parking lot.

"I love your car, by the way. What is it?" she asked, glancing up at Spencer.

"1965 Horizon Blue Volvo. We've been through a lot together." Spencer said, looking down at his keys.

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