Not Finished When Defeated

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"Defeat doesn't finish a man, quit does. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's finished when he quits."

~Richard M. Nixon

Spencer heard the sound of clicking in his sleep. Everything seemed surreal as he was caught between deep sleep and awakening. He felt himself lying down on something unfamiliar. Not only that, but something was lying heavily on his chest as well. Spencer squeezed his eyes tightly shut and forced himself out of his weird "in between limbo". He felt his arms tighten around the dormant mass lying on his body, figuring out that it was Evie snuggled deep into his chest. He was reminded of his surroundings.

It was a day after the car chase, and Evie's arm had been hurting her all day. She wouldn't directly say it to Spencer, but he caught her wincing when she thought his wasn't looking. He cuddled her and made her all of her favorite foods to try and make her feel just a bit better. She kept telling him it wasn't a big deal the entire day, but it was to him. Now they lied on the couch where they had fallen asleep in eachother's arms while watching more Doctor Who. The weird part was the clicking sound that turned out to be the shutter effect of Morgan's phone as he pointed his phone's camera at them... in the middle of their living room.

"Morgan! What the hell!" Spencer whispered shrilly. He craned his head to look at the clock on the mantle. It was just past noon, Morgan had no reason to be standing in the middle of the living room taking photos of them while they were sleeping to later make fun of them.

"Sorry, optimal opportunity." he muttered, taking one last picture and then putting his phone back into the pocket of his jeans. Spencer glanced down at the top of Evie's head to make sure she was uninterrupted. Her breathing remained at a constant slow pace, her mouth just barely parted. Spencer smiled and kissed her head, rubbing her arm lightly.

"What are you even doing here?" Spencer asked him, frowning at Morgan who smirked at the 'lovey-doviness' of it all. Morgan shrugged and began to casually walk around Spencer and Evie's apartment, reading the bindings of many of the books.

"I came to see how Evie was doing."

Spencer felt Evie shift on his chest and heard her groan. "It's a small cut! You guys need to stop fretting." she moaned, nuzzling her face into Spencer's chest. He felt the warmth of her hot breath seep through his shirt, making him smile. He loved when she did that.

Evie sat up on Spencer's legs, sitting on his lap while he was still lying down. She rubbed her eyes sleepiy, her hair all across her face from when she slept. Spencer smiled to himself while watching her. Man he loved her. If Morgan wasn't right there he'd definitely pull her down into a much needed kiss.

"How'd you get in?" Spencer asked, suddenly noticing that it was strange that Morgan just was able to get in. Derek looked over at Spencer with a frown and dark eyes. He gestured towards the door.

"It was cracked open." he said, as though it was obvious. "Not a good idea with what's going on, by the way." he added. Spencer felt his heart nearly stop. It felt like someone was sitting on his chest and he couldn't breathe...

"Morgan... I didn't leave the door open." he said slowly. Suddenly everything just seemed to freeze as everyone was struck with that realization. Evie stopped messing with her hair that she was straightening out, her arms still held above her head. Morgan's eyes were wide despite the way his eyebrows were drawn tightly together. Before anyone could do anything, all of the lights went out. Spencer instantly sat up and protectively threw his arms around Evie, making her shriek. At least she was still there.

"Shhhh..." Spencer whispered in her ear. They slowly untangled themselves so that they were standing in front of the couch, Spencer's hand holding hers tightly.

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