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"I never wanted a Guardian Angel. I didn't ask for one. One was assigned to me."

-Mercedes McCambridge

The plane landed in South Carolina at 2:44pm. Spencer and Evie had talked the entire time, driving Morgan up a wall who told them to geek out on their own time. Evie would name a scene from Shakespeare and Spencer would recite lines from it, making her smile. Then he'd ask her about her other favorite authors and poets. She realized that he had a lot of the same interests as her, book-wise anyway. He was just so perfect. Almost too perfect and too good to be true. Evie couldn't possibly deserve someone like him, could she?

"So Evie, what will happen now is we will go to the SPD. We'll ask them about what has been happening and get their stories and then we will further analyze the case. Hotch usually sends a few people to the crime scene and a few others to talk to families of the witnesses. Usually I talk to the families or deal with press, so that's what you'll be helping me with. At least until you pass your gun qualification tests anyway. Then Hotch may consider you to go out into the field if that's what you have your sites set on." JJ explained to her as they walked towards the doors of the Sumter Police Station.

"Yeah, I'd love to make it out to the field someday. I'm- I'm not too good with tests though."

"Don't worry. You can't possibly fail as much as Reid." Morgan's voice came from behind them. JJ sighed and Evie turned with her eyebrows raised to see Spencer get a pretty good punch in Morgan's side. He doubled over and gasped, but he still smiled at his remark. Spencer just kept walking like nothing had happened, which Evie found kind of funny.

"Boys, please behave." JJ said tiredly as if she had to remind them numerous times. This really was like a family.

"Jayge, he started it!"

"And he punched me!"

"Morgan, stop making fun of Reid. Spence, keep your hands to yourself." she sorted out and rolled her eyes as she opened the door for Evie to walk in. She thanked her and walked into the lobby of the police station. She walked to a woman at the front desk who was on the phone. JJ came up beside her and held up her FBI badge to the receptionist soundlessly who nodded and pointed to a door to the right.

The team walked into the office area of the police station and were immediately greeted by what looked to be the chief of police. He began talking to Hotch about the case, telling him about the crime scene and the relatives of the families who were wiling to be questioned. Evie couldn't much pay attention with Spencer standing right beside her. His shoulder was ever so slightly brushing up against hers and it was driving her crazy.

"Is the crime scene still untouched?" Rossi asked, bringing Evie out of her daze. The officer nodded.

"As it was the night it happened." he confirmed in a slight southern accent. Hotch nodded and gravely turned to his team who awaited his orders.

"Alright. Morgan and Reid go to the crime scene. Rossi and I will talk to anyone close with the victims and JJ and Lawrence will stay here and examine some of the evidence taken from the crime scene." He finished, looking from each person to the next as he called out their job, landing on Evie last and giving her a look that asked her if she was alright with that. Evie nodded and he nodded back, turning his attention to Rossi.

"Let's go, David."

Aaron and Rossi left and Morgan clapped Reid on the back to get him moving. Reid turned to Evie before walking out, however.

"You have all our numbers right?" he asked worriedly. She gave him a reassuring smile. He was worried about her... the thought made her heart beat just a bit faster.

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