Poetry with Arms and Legs

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"The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music, and it has the additional merit of being human and palpable. Dancing is poetry with arms and legs."

-Charles Baudelaire

It had been nearly a week since Evie's first case and she was just letting it die down in her mind. She'd been freaked out for a long while and unfocused, but the more time she spent with the team, the happier she became. She loved coming to work now that she knew all of them a bit better. She loved coming in early to see Spencer already on his second or third cup of coffee, reading books and flipping through the pages inhumanly fast. She loved hearing Penelope's kind voice calling Good Morning to everyone as she whizzed through the office in flying colors of pink, yellow, purple, blue... you name it. Morgan would always come in and make some comment to Reid to annoy him and Reid would retort back while JJ would give Evie an annoyed look as they rolled their eyes together at their childish bickering. She didn't see much of Rossi and Hotch since they were in their offices above the bullpen, but when they did come out they always checked on how everyone was doing, making small conversations. It was a great way to start every day.

"Whatcha reading?" Evie asked, looking over at Spencer who was running his finger down each page as he read, reading each one in less than two seconds.

"Stiff. It's about human cadavers and how they're dissected." Spencer mumbled while still engrossed in the book.

"What are those?"

"Dead human bodies. They split them down the middle and skin them to study their insides. It's interesting how-"

"Geez, Spencer. Why don't you read something that's not so dark? You're dampening my morning." Evie jokingly smiled at him, making Spencer look up. He noticed her face and smiled as well. The notion still made her go dizzy. He looked so charming when he smiled.

"Sorry. You don't read non-fiction?"

Evie shook her head. "No, I'm very much a fiction person."

Spencer nodded and shrugged. "Well that's where I'm the opposite, I guess. I've been meaning to get into fiction more though."

"Well... maybe we can help eachother out with that? You get me started on some non-fiction and vise versa." Evelyn said, trying to subtly make more plans to spend time with Spencer. He seemed to get extremely nervous when she mentioned this. Had she moved too fast?

"Yeah, I'd... I'd like that." he smiled at her, just as JJ walked in.

"Hey Reid, Morgan's looking for you. I think he's in the conference room."

"No, he's not. He's not even here yet."

JJ rolled her eyes and shot him a dirty look.

"Reid, I'm giving you your cue to leave. Girl talk." she said as if it were obvious. Spencer raised his eyebrows at Evie who smiled at him and shrugged.

"I see, I see. You girls have fun then. At my desk. Like there's no where else to go." he said, although not unkindly. Reid stood and left, and Evie stole a glance before turning to JJ to see what the fuss was about.

"So, tonight the team is going out to the bar and you should come." JJ said while leaning up against Reid's desk in a comfortable position to talk to Evelyn. Evie nodded. It had been a while since she had been out. In fact it had been over a year since she has been out. "Spence will be there!" JJ added, giving her a suggestive look, that made Evelyn laugh.

"JJ, there's nothing-"

"Going on! Yes, so you deny. Come on, it'll be fun though." JJ interupted. Evie sighed and gave a small smile.

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