Degrees of Paranoia

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"I don't believe in fate or destiny. I believe in various degrees of hatred, paranoia, and abandonment. However much of that gets heaped upon you doesn't matter - it's only a matter of how much you can take and what it does to you."

-Henry Rollins

Qiqiang Shen feverishly flipped through the pages of his journal, trying to find any spot of paper that was scribbled on. Notes were everywhere, all of them about his new obsession. Qiquang thought about his name, what it meant: enlightenment and strength. He knew from the moment he was old enough to think it; he had to live up to his name. He was destined to discover greatness. He findings were beyond any modern ideals, and yet he was never recognized. Qiqiang had been studying psychology and human behavior for as long as he could remember. His new experiments had resulted in new breakthroughs that he had never heard of before. With his new subjects almost ready for his tests, Shen couldn't be more excited.

The man smiled as he took a handful of tacks. He spread out a new picture on the wall and pushed the pins into the corners to keep it up. The new couple was walking into the glass doors of a giant federal building, hand in hand.

"Dr. Spencer Reid and Miss. Evelyn Lawrence." Qiqiang muttered. He ran his fingers along the picture of them and then took a step back to see the giant wall of over a hundred pictures of every member of the BAU team from Agent Hotchner to Rossi to Morgan to Jareau to Garcia. All seven members... they'd be the optimal test. The "psychology experts" themselves put to the ultimate behavior and strength test. Shen couldn't wait for this to take place. First he had to play around with his little lab rats though. Soon enough they'd be in his grasp though... soon enough...


"Is this really necessary?" Spencer asked while sitting on the couch in Hotch's office. Rossi sighed.

"Come on, Reid. You know how helpful this could be." Rossi told him. Spencer looked over to Evie, hoping she'd take his side. She just shrugged at him. He huffed a sarcastic thanks to her and then turned back to Rossi.

"Alright, fine. I want Evie here though." he said. She smiled from beside him and took Spencer's hand in hers. Rossi had suggested they do a walk through of when Spencer had seen the unsub in JJ's house. He tried to tell him it was pointless. The entire house was bathed in darkness and he barely had gotten a look before the man had turned and ran. He understood that any information was helpful information, but Spencer just thought it was rediculous. He remembered it just as easily now as he would with going back to imagine it.

"Thank you. Now close your eyes." David instructed. Spencer did as he was told and took a deep breath. He leaned back so he was supported by the back of the couch.

"Now imagine yourself entering JJ's kitchen. The house is dark, Evelyn and Henry are in the basement, your gun is raised. Anything you notice?" Rossi asks. Spencer puts himself back into the situation he was just in the night before. It seemed like it was so long ago, a distant memory. He still felt like he was right there in the moment however. He could feel the cracks in the hardwood beneath his socks, he could hear his heavy breathing, he could feel the fear for his loved ones.

"The TV is still on. There isn't any other sound." Reid said plainly.

"Think harder. Come on, Reid." Rossi instructed further. Spencer sighed and mentally rolled his eyes.

"Okay... I heard footsteps coming from the foyer." He said, hearing the footsteps in his head as if they were still there.

"Heavy footsteps, light footsteps?" Rossi pressed on. Reid squeezed Evie's hand a bit tighter, remembering the anxiety within him that night. She ran her thumb along the top of his hand. The small notion was enough to comfort him.

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