To Find Reality

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"We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality."

- Iris Murdoch

"Oh my goodness, is this her!?" A voice projected across the office. Evie looked up from her book that she was reading at her desk to see a very enthusiastic and brightly colored woman running through the office towards her. The woman's hair was curly and blond and bounced as she ran while trying not to fall in her bright pink heels. Evie would usually be a bit startled by someone so vibrant running towards her, but there was something about this woman that screamed friendliness and innocence, and Evelyn couldn't help but smile.

"Hi, I'm Penelope Garcia and I'm the Technical Analysist for the BAU. You can just call me Garcia." she said as if it was one rushed long sentence. Evie didn't know how she could possibly be such a bubbly person doing what she did. It must have taken a lot, and Evie appreciated that.

"I'm Evelyn Lawrence, or Evie if you'd like. Nice to meet you." Evie reached her hand out to Garcia so that they could shake hands. Penelope seemed ecstatic about her greeting, making Evie feel good. Spencer seemed to be right. She shouldn't be so nervous all of the time. Then why did he always act nervous around her? Maybe she was just imagining it.

"I hear you'll be working with JJ. You'll love her, Jayge is great." Garcia said, her bright pink lip sticked lips still smiling from ear to ear making Evie smile as well. She already decided that she liked this girl; her happiness was contagious.

"Yes it seems like everyone here is very nice and it's only my second day." Evie said, looking from Rossi, to JJ, to Morgan, and lastly to Spencer who was grinning to himself as he pretended to look down at his papers, obviously listening in.

"I promise once you get to know everyone, you'll realize they're a lot less scary than they seem, even Hotch." Garcia assured her. Evie nodded and looked over at where Spencer sat with his coffee. He really liked coffee. Evie could easily tell that, and she has only known him for two days.

"Reid has been showing me how everything works around here." she said, making Spencer look up at the mention of his name.

"That's good. Spence is a sweetheart, aren't you Spencer?"

Spencer blushed and shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee. Evie felt a pang of... something go through her. It was something she hadn't felt in years. It was a pang of longing along with excitement and nervousness as she watched Spencer blush. She had always closed herself off from those feelings for the longest time. Why did she feel like it around Spencer then? Well he was adorable when he blushed...

Morgan noticed the three of them grouped around Evie and Spencer's desks, so he walked over to playfully push Spencer's head sideways.

"Yeah, he's the baby of this family."

"Am not!" Spencer frowned at Morgan. "I'm 31 now! Evie can be the new baby."

"Well I am 29, but I don't think I'm ready for that title yet." she said jokingly.

"Yeah, stop trying baby boy. You're stuck with us." Morgan laughed as Reid groaned, but grinned at the same time. Evie watched him mess around with Morgan. They seemed pretty close. All of them did. She decided she really was going to like it here. She just had to do something about these feelings she was getting around Dr. Reid. It was probably just a phase... wasn't it? Oh, but look at his puppy dog brown eyes, his tousled hair, his shy smile that made her stomach flip...

"Guys." JJ's voice interupted them. they all looked up where she stood at the top of the half staircase. Everyone stopped messing around and laughing to look up at her serious face. "We've got a case."

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