Chapter 33

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Hotch’s POV 

I was starting to worry because neither Reid, Emily, nor Derek called to let me know what they found out. They were supposed to call and it has been hours since I’ve talked to Reid, did they find JJ was everyone okay was Emily okay? Nobody knew but those six months while she was in Paris I was driven nuts missing her. The way she walks, the way she presents herself, the way her black hair falls perfectly over her shoulders without her trying. She was the one I loved, and when she was in Paris I was devastated although I knew she was alive I couldn’t help but worry about her and how hard it must be. Then she left again for London and came back after realizing that she needed us and we really needed her.

“Do you think they found her?” Dave asks me.

“I don’t know Dave I really don’t know.” I answer hoping everyone was alright. I hoped JJ was found I remember when she left to work at the Pentagon for a year with the government. It was a tough year it was when Doyle came after Emily. I was broken from the chain of thought by a call from Morgan.

“SSA Aaron Hotchner.” I answer and listen to what he was saying, they found JJ but Reid was in the hospital but he was alright, he was awake and speaking.

I asked about Emily because I needed to know if he was okay I listen to his answer. She was fine. I told Morgan that we were on the way there was only one hour left on our plane ride we were almost home.

“Dave when we land we go straight to the hospital to check on Reid and JJ.”

“Okay Hotch.” He answers plainly as I buckle up for the landing.

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