Chapter 40

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JJ’s POV (During the night) 

My eyes closed and I was back to the dark place the basement except I wasn’t alone Derek was there and he was bleeding from his mouth nose and ribs. His shirt was ripped and cut. I tried to run to his side but I was chained as well. He looked at me with pleading eyes, he tried to stand but that is when I saw his legs were bent at unnatural angles. Brett broke his legs. I tried to scream as he was going towards him with the same knife he used on me I tried to move but I couldn’t and suddenly the room is filled with a loud painted grunt from Derek when I realize the unsub stabbed him. I look back and it isn’t Derek anymore it is Spencer. Tears are running down my face at this point and I want to scream if this is a nightmare that is when Brett turned towards me and I tried to scream and as soon as he the knife made contact with my skin my eyes snapped open and I woke up crying, panting and screaming. Spence woke up and hugged me tightly. I am crying hard, could this mean anything?

“JJ I am here okay talk to me what’s wrong?” he asks me but I can’t bring myself to speak instead I just sit there in his arms, in the comfort his arms provide, and we just sat that way for the rest of night. I tried to fall asleep again but couldn’t since as soon as I close my eyes it was him that I saw.

*Hours later* 

It was 6:30 Spence was asleep holding me so I slowly shake him awake before I go upstairs to change. I walked into Henry’s room and slowly woke him up. He woke up and hugged him, and then he ran to get ready for school. I made my way to the bathroom, and look at myself in the mirror I look tired, considering I barely slept I suppose I would look a little tired. I looked in the mirror when I noticed his grinning face in the mirror. I know he can’t be here so I splash cold water over my face and he was gone. He was haunting me but I chose to ignore it. Spence Henry and I had breakfast before dropping Henry off at school, and then driving to work. We walked in at the same time with Garcia and Derek. Seeing Derek reminded me of the way his legs were bent at unnatural angles and how his pained grunt filled the room. I needed to collect my eyes and so I turned to talk to Rossi. When Hotch entered, Emily was not far behind and Garcia whispered something to Hotch and we went to the bullpen. Garcia started the briefing but I couldn’t bring myself to focus there was something that caught my attention.

“Brett Thompson was not the unsub.” Garcia exclaimed.  At that moment I fell as if the ground fell from under me. He was not the unsub then who was? I rubbed my face with my hands hoping it was another nightmare, but I knew very well it was real. After the briefing I went to the bathroom to regain my thoughts and composure and thankfully my friends Emily and Penelope came with me I needed my friends right now.

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