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On the way home, CANGSE  asked WEI YING about his best buddy LAN ZHAN aka LAN WANGJI.

"He is as he was momsy, ICE BERG.....He seldom smiles, as usual......GRUMPY FUDDY DUDDY..."

He rolled his eyes.... But SENIOR WEI wasn't pleased with his words.

"Don't say like that wuxian. He is one of the most talented and ranks second in cloud recessess after his brother xichen. Those two are really brainiac as well as dedicated. And obedient....It's not simply that they are famous as TWIN JADES OF GUSU LAN. And then comes you, who has to cause trouble every week. Stop ruining family reputation Ying."

WEI YING pouted.

And immediately CANGSE jumped to his defense

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And immediately CANGSE jumped to his defense. She could not stand a word against him.

" You forgot honey, our son stands third in cloud recessess in skills and intelligence. He and Jiang cheng are famous as TWIN PRIDE OF YUNMENG JIANG. Why don't you ever acknowledge the accomplishments of my bunny.....!!!"

WEI WUXIAN smiled brightly. He hugged his MOMSY. Then he looked, at his father with all seriousness and said.

"Popsy stop scolding me like a 5 year old. I am all grown up now. Let's have a grown up man to man talk, okay!!!!"

"We will. Definitely we will. When you start acting like one. First attain the qualifications to become the man of the house, stop being impulsive and reckless and start being patient and serious like LAN WANGJI.....and then we will have a man to man talk. And cangse, stop spoiling him already. We have got only one son. He has to learn to behave and stop being childish, otherwise the reputation of wei family will go in drain...."

"Exactly, I have only one son, talented, beautiful, smiling son. I am not gonna let anyone tame him and snatch his smile, while still alive. Remember that....."

SENIOR WEI sighed deeply and shook his head.

"Like mother, like son. XIAN, Why couldn't YOU inherit some of my DNAs instead totally getting a replication of your mom's.....the first time I took you two to my native land and introduced as my wife & son to my clan ...the clan elders glared at me like......(deep sigh) "

WUXIAN & CANGSE giggled together.
CANGSE looked at her son, with all the love in her eyes. He was her heart beat, her every breathe, the most precious gem of her eye..... Her soul, her everything.... Previously, she was reckless who never cared for her life, never feared anything..... A FEROCIOUS GALLANT TIGRESS.....But then when little WEI WUXIAN came into her life. She changed. He was like the LIGHT OF GOD'S GRACE in her life. Still she remembered the time she first acknowledged about his existence......

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