22❤ HEAT ❤

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At exact 00:00 hrs, LAN WANGJI and WEI WUXIAN meet near the WANGJI'S little Bunny Farm. WEI YING sat quietly observing the bunnies playing around and some sleeping. Suddenly, he could sense LAN ZHAN'S presence behind.

Suddenly, he stood & turned around swiftly, pulling LAN ZHAN in his arms and kissing him hard and passionately on his lips. After the initial shock, LAN ZHAN hugged him tight and kissed him back. Both fought for dominance with Tongue and Teeth, Sucking & Biting & Suckling & Exploring. Amidst the struggle, LAN ZHAN'S back slammed on a nearby tree trunk, with WEI YING'S one arm embracing his waist & other palm placed on the trunk above his head for support, since he was taller than LAN ZHAN.

LAN ZHAN started unbuttoning WEI YING's shirt, caressing the skin underneath. His hands roamed around the other's abs and chest and back and nape....in short exploring his whole lean body. He held his waist with one hand and his neck with other and pulled him closer, making the kiss more deeper & fiercer. WEI YING broke the kiss, took off his shirt and threw it. Then he unbuttoned LAN ZHAN's shirt, took it off and threw it too. And resumed the fierce kiss again.

LAN ZHAN lifted off WEI YING holding his waist and butt. WEI YING encircled his both legs around LAN ZHAN's waist. LAN ZHAN carried him to the near by spot with soft grassy ground, without breaking the kiss and laid him down beneath him. Then he started licking and biting his earlobes.

"I want you bunny. I want you like hell....."

He whispered.

"And I ain't stopping you...."

WEI YING said breathlessly.
It was like a tug of war between them, fighting for dominance, quenching their long awaited thirst, they were rolling on each other, on grass bed like crazy, like two LIONS IN HEAT. As if couldn't get enough of each other. As if they could devour each other....LAN ZHAN moved down, exploring his Bunny's Neck & Chest with his mouth. Kissing them, sucking the buds, leaving bite marks, purple hickeys.... All over, as if marking his territory....

" Love me luv, love me like there's no tomorrow. Make me forget everything, the hurt, the pain, the fear, the past. I am tired of them haunting me. I am tired of fighting them. Wash me with your love. Wash away my tears, wash away the dirty touches of wen ruohan. Make me yours, body and soul, forever and ever."

Tears rolled down WEI YING'S eyes. LAN ZHAN looked up and kissed the tears away. Suddenly the Urgency and Fierceness turned into a Slow, Tender Love....Savoring the moment. WEI YING closes his eyes.

"You always belonged to me, heart, soul and body"

LAN ZHAN moved up, kissed his forehead, eyes, tip of his nose and finally lips, sucking it before moving to the Mole underneath.

He intertwined both his hands and fingers with WEI YING'S. And moved to his neck, then chest. He sucked his buds one at a time.

"Oh, lan zhan. Luv....Aaaahhhhh, mmmnnnnn. Eat me. Eat me whole. I am all yours."

WEI YING was panting. He bit his lower lips hard, but couldn't stop moaning and calling LAN ZHAN's name. LAN ZHAN got rid off the rest of their garments. He licked, bit and kissed WEI YING'S feet and toes, making him wriggle in pleasure. Then he moved his way up to his Thighs and the Forbidden Sensitive Area.

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