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SEAN proceeded toward the highly secured cell. As he entered, 3 people stared at him with wide eyes. SEAN smirked and sprayed some thing, making them unconscious.
When they opened their eyes, they were tied in a dark cave, with only a single bulb on.

"Payback time guys. Karma has come to your door to reap your degraded souls. Are you ready or should me prepare you!!"

"Please spare us. We didn't do anything to you. We didn't kill your parents. It was our father's stubbornness. We are already paying for his sins."

"Not enough. Do you remember, how you hanged me for days, playing with me, repeatedly dropping me amongst hungry wild beasts to rip out my flesh with their teeth and nails, and then pulling up again......or perhaps the cage, you locked me in, before placing it in the midst of barking, snarling dogs!!! "

He shot their one leg each, with his gun packed with licensers. They screamed in pain as warm blood gushed out flowing in all directions....staining the cave red...

"Please, we are sorry... Please spare us... "

"Spare you....!!! Huh!!! Do you remember how you made those Alsatian dog, Doberman chase me!!! Do you remember my scared, teared face, pleading to be spared..!!! My shrieks.....!!!"

He shot them in their another leg this time. Wen XU, WEN ZHULIU & WEN CHAO yelled sobbed, begging him to stop...

"Do you perhaps remember making me cut myself, hurt myself...for a piece of bread that you teased me with, after keeping me hungry for days....and throwing the bread far in dirt  for me to chase and eat, like playing with pet dog..... Do you remember!!! "

He shoot them in arms. They were bleeding profusely, screaming in pain.

"Do you remember injecting me those painful drugs!!! Do you remember me writhing in pain, when your father took away my innocence!!! All of your inhumane tortures, you inflicted with pleasure on me, every single day for two years...you had your share of fun.. Now, I shall have mine..."

Then he went forward, took out a knife and cut off their tongues.

"Hmmnnn, my work here is done. Rest let them do."

Saying so he took a box and unloaded some 100 mice. They immediately ran toward blood and started sniffing and licking them, slowly proceeding towards the source. There was horrified look on the three hostages face, assuming their terrible future death....

"Goodbye boys... Meet ya in hell.. "

SEAN switched off the light, closed the cell door and calmly walked away. As if he just had a drink of Heavenly nectar. WEI WUXIAN wasn't WEI WUXIAN anymore, he was a Killer Demon, a Devil, an Invincible Ruthless Terror Patriarch.


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