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"What happened to WEI YING? What did your bastard of a master do to him, so that he became likewise....?"



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MADAM MO gulped.... JIANG WANYIN looked really mad.

"Two years ago, I saw him for the first time when Lord Wen brought him to his room and chained him to his bed post. He looked like a lost, tortured, abnormal teenager...... He was actually brought weeks ago, was what we got to hear from one of the guards of WEN MANSION....They said for the first week and many times afterwards he was just hanged down naked in the torture chamber....with a bunch of wild hungry dogs barking and roaming underneath him, waiting to devour him. Then they would lower him just to the level where the dogs got access to his lower limbs and jumped to bite and scratch him. They would let him be, screaming and struggling, while the dogs injured him. Then he would again be pulled up, again lowered down for few minutes and then again pulled up. They could hear him scream in agony when the dogs sank their teeth and claws in him....."

MADAM MO sighed. It was a very disturbing narration. The agents present, including the LAN brothers and JIANG WANYIN stood shocked and horrified. MADAM MO continued.

" After being tortured for several hours, when gradually he lost his senses, they realised him and washed him and fed him enough to keep him alive. Then again hanged him and continued the torture, when he regained senses. In the second week, they started injecting him some kind of drugs due to which he would sleep for hours or sometimes days. He constantly hallucinated and had nightmares during those sleeps and often had high fever, sweating and convulsions in sleep...."

LAN XICHEN clenched his fists. WEI YING was like his younger brother. He was always adored by all of them. And listening to him being tortured likewise was making his blood boil to hundreds of degrees Celsius....

"During that time, they fed him just enough to keep him alive. Then he was again locked inside a small cage, and the cage was put in a dark room, full of wild dogs, sniffing, barking and trying to attack him and devour him between the bars of the cage. They could just reach him enough to scatch him with their paws....we could all hear his agonizing screams and pleadings every day. Eventually, after 3 days, he was brought out. He was senseless and bleeding profusely. They washed, bandaged and brought him in Lord Wen's bedroom, all chained up. That was the first time I saw him clearly. He had such innocent, beautiful face, but completely lost. It pained us all to see him likewise. "

Tears rolled down her eyes. LAN WANGJI was devasted..... He felt like burning down the whole world... MADAM MO continued.

"They used to inject him with drugs regularly. When ever he saw dogs, even small harmless puppy, he got panic attacks and seizures. And only way to stop them, was his regular drug injection. We did not know his name, or anything about him. Lord  Wen chained him up to his bed and asked me take care of him. Feed him just enough, clean him ect. He was treated like a dog by everyone. And every body called him PET. Initially Senior Wen and his guards and sons would have amusement and fun with him by making their dog chase him, attack him, bite him..... "

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