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WEI YING was progressing fast. In the past few days, he had started recognizing LAN XICHEN,JIANG WANYIN, Eating and Sleeping on Bed, Remaining Chainless and most importantly Smiling.....LAN ZHAN was more than Happy. He was happily coming back after buying breakfast, when he saw an ambulance being prepared. But he ignored it and proceeded towards YING'S room. When he reached his room, he wasn't there and MADAM MO was crying. He rushed to her.

"What happened? Where's Wei Ying?"

"Some people dressed in white and golden came, gave him some injection and took him away, and gave these papers......"

WANGJI took the papers and ran out towards the ambulance. He called LAN XICHEN immediately.

"Brother, why LanlingJin Sect are confiscating Wei Ying under Lanling Jin Research and Development Institute. (LLJR&DI) They are taking away him now. I am right behind the ambulance. We can't let anyone harm bunny anymore. Plz get here as fast as you could."

"Okay, I will gather info and get there as fast as I can. You follow them and reach there."


LANLING JIN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (LLJR&DI) was one of the four Think Tanks. They mainly focused on Research and Experiment in every field, from Medical to Weaponry. They then sold their invented stuffs to Government and other three sects. And, it was managed mainly by DR. JIN GUANGYAO, aka DR. MENG YAO, adopted son of the Ex CEO MR. JIN GUANGSHAN. Whereas the current CEO was his only son.. MR. JIN ZIXUAN.

On reaching LLJR&DI, WANGJI saw WEI YING taken out and shifted inside. Dr. JIN YAO that is, Dr. MENG YAO stood instructing the shifting. On seeing LAN WANGJI, he smiled sweetly, rather smirked sweetly.

"Oh my, what brings the Jade of Gusu Lan here

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"Oh my, what brings the Jade of Gusu Lan here. It's my pleasure to welcome you at one of the richest research Institute. Tell me Agent Lan Wangji how can we be useful to you?"

"Why is Wei Wuxian being brought here? That too like a prisoner."

" Oh dear, you got us totally wrong. He wasn't brought as a prisoner, rather a patient. Since Lanling jin had considerable amount of contributions towards the downfall of Qishanwen sect, and rescue of Pet... "

"WEI WUXIAN, his name is WEI WUXIAN....."

"... Oh sorry if that offends you young master..... Wei wuxian's rescue, we thought of giving him some resourceful treatment for his fast recovery. Don't worry, Cloud recessess doesn't have bear any costs. As you know, our institution is the richest and fastest growing one. I thought it would be better, if we deal with Mr. Wei Wuxian's present conditions. He would receive atmost care and latest treatments here. Some of them are recently invented."

"So you brought him here as a Test Subject rather a Lab Rat for your new experiments..... Interesting, but for your kind info, Cloud Recessess won't let that happen to him. Release him now. I am here to take him back to Cloud Recessess....."

"Hanguang jun, I am sorry to say. But you are slightly crossing limits here. We have discussed it with Sir Lan  Qiren before taking the custody of Wei Wuxian. He too thinks, it's for his betterment. And you are at present at LLJR&DI, you can't just order around."

Dr. Jin Yao said with Absolute Authority but with the same sweet smile pasted on his face.

"But, there's a slight problem in it. "

LAN WANGJI was going to protest when suddenly, he heard his brother LAN XICHEN'S voice from behind.

"Sir. Lan xichen, what a great pleasure to have your company. Please come in and have some tea".

"Well, thank you Dr. Yao. Actually, I came here regarding you taking Wei Wuxian's custody. See late Agents Senior and Madam Wei, made a will before death. And according to it, Gusu lan sect is assigned the responsibility of Wei Wuxian's well being. Now, since Wei Wuxian is not in a state to decide for himself, despite being an adult, his decisions will be taken by cloud recessess, on behalf of him. And uncle never gave Lanling sect any written permission regarding the custody hold. So I would like you to make arrangements for wei wuxian's return back to cloud recess."

LAN XICHEN said sternly, but with a slight smile.

" But you know that, we can provide the best asylum here for wei wuxian......"

Dr. Yao argued.

"LLJR&DI is a research institute. But what wei wuxian needs now is medical treatment. I am sorry to say, but no place is better than CRMF for medical treatment."

"Okay, if you are persistent. I will order his release as soon as the paperwork is finalized."

"Now....Right Now..."

LAN WANGJI suddenly growled

" But Hanguang jun, the paper works had to be done before......"


"Actually I have brought the necessary papers and I will finish it here now. You just let Wangji escort wei wuxian back to cloud recess plz"


WEI YING was escorted back. He was unconscious the whole time due to the effect of the injection given to him earlier. LAN ZHAN took WEI YING to his own house instead of CRMF. He even arranged someone to drop MADAM MO to his residence. His residence was inside Cloud Recessess. It was called JINGSHI.

WEI YING was laid down in the adjacent room of the Master Bedroom, with door connecting the two

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WEI YING was laid down in the adjacent room of the Master Bedroom, with door connecting the two. And when everyone left, LAN ZHAN was still sitting on a chair near him, waiting for him to come to senses. He knew his house is a new place for WUXIAN. And if he wasn't there when he came back to senses, he may freak out.

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