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There was a new case that LAN WANGJI needed help with. He needed the best one out there and the one, whom he could trust his back with. So he called WEI WUXIAN aka SEAN.

Since they were Spy Agents on mission, they could only be contracted only in certain ways. So, when his private cell rang, SEAN was a little of both curious and hesitant to answer it. Generally, only DR. MENG YAO calls him in this number, but an unknown number was flashing on his screen. After few seconds of considering, curiosity got better of him. In spite, of knowing how dangerous it was to pick up the call, he still picked it up.


"Hey buddy, long time, no see!!!"

SEAN aka WEI YING was both surprised and shocked. LAN WANGJI!!! Calling him!! And talking in such friendly manner!!!

'hell man did I somehow crossed to some other dimension overnight..!!!'

WEI YING thought.

"How did you get this number?"

"Bunny Ah Bunny, comeon, have you forgotten I am one of the Twin Jade of Gusulan sect. I always get, what I want... Besides, though Lanling Jin sect is rich and able to buy talents but  Gusulan spy sect creates them talents and spies in here... So, we still hold the upper hand. And, our technology is so high rated, that they can forget about competing with...."

LAN WANGJI said in a Matter of Fact Tone..... Well, he would have flaunted it Proudly but Pride was prohibited in GUSU LAN SECT.

"Oooo, (whisles) wow, the great Hanguang jun took great efforts to contact me..... I am flattered...The defected wild agent of Gusu Lan being summoned by His Highness Er Twin Jade of Gusu Lan....Hmmmm, I must say, I am blushing....So, may I know to what pleasure do I owe this call from the great light bearing lord of Gusu Lan sect?"

WEI YING asked sarcastically.

"Of course you may. But you gotta meet me for that..."

"Why? Have you already finished preparing special confinement cell for me, LAN ZHAN?"

"Yeah, I have prepared a cell alright but not for you, YET. For the one you will help me to put in there. The real culprits. Right there, Right then.."

The call got cut. Now 'Right there, Right then' was a code that only LAN WANGJI and WEI WUXIAN knew & used. It meant Midnight, a certain place behind Gusu mountain. WEI YING sighed. He knew his private calls were tapped by Lanling Jin Sect. And LAN WANGJI too knew that. Hence, the code.

Like his daily routine, SEAN went to a pub the evening. Drank as much and went up to a private room with a hooker. Once inside the room, he blacked out the hooker, locked the front door with a 'DO NOT DISTURB' tag and escaped via window.

 Once inside the room, he blacked out the hooker, locked the front door with a 'DO NOT DISTURB' tag and escaped via window

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