Crush on the devil

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Ok so I'm starting with this because I just had this idea and because I don't really know what else to do. Also comment any ships you would like to see or a story line I can follow

(Sorry I did put in a lot of time skips because I didn't want to write so much)

Also adding Tw to chapters

Tw: panic attack (panic attack includes crying and shaking)

Richie's POV
Me, Austin, Bri and Devin were talking about the sacred tree when a man with wings flys down and looks around.
"Umm guys we have company" Devin says looking at the guy with wings.
I look at the winged man he had white hair and a sort of cute face. I smile covering my mouth and cheeks with my wrist to hide the slight blush on my face.
I quickly jump down "who are you?" I ask unsure "oh hello" he looks me in the eyes.
"Devil!" A skeleton runs past me and Austin, "who are you!?" Austin yells.
The skeleton and the winged man talk well Bri and Austin talk about the skeleton war. I look over to the man again blushing a little more. The man tells the skeleton to go away in which the skeleton did not listen.
The man continues to explain who he is "my name's Michael" he looks around "he's the Devil!" The skeleton butts in taking away the affect. Michael explains what he wants us to do he wants us to 'play' with the vampires and werewolves.

-later that night after they put let head on the table and did the dramatic entrance and exit thing-

I lay on my make shift bed in the house I claimed looking though the hole in the roof. The sky was cloudy but didn't show sines of raining, I think about random things. Then thought of Michael pops into my head. His cute face and his black eyes, his fluffy hair and... shoot I like him! I sit up and walk around trying not to wake up Austin. I walk around the sacred tree I see Bri and Devin talking at the top. Devin looks down to see me I quickly walk back to my house, Devin flys Front of me blocking my path. "What do you want?" I ask trying to pass him "what's wrong?" He looks at me concerned. "Nothing I'm just tired" I say walking past him. "Ok I'll just ask Austin then" he starts walking to Austin's house. I don't want Austin to know his just going to joke around with it. "Don't..." I paused looking down, "what's wrong?" he asks again "I like someone" I say quietly, "who is it?" Devin says smirk . I don't say anything "ok don't tell me, I'll guess" Devin says thinking about who it could be. "Is it Austin?" "No he's like my brother" I says gross out. "Ok is it Bri?" He asks "no" I reply. "Ok is it Michael?" He jokes "..." I go quiet "wait you like Michael as in the devil Michael" he looks at me in shock. "Y-yes" I look at my feet blushing. "Ok are you going to tell him?" Devin asks "why would I he's the devil why would he like me" I say as my eyes start to water. "I don't know what he would do but you can always go for it the worst he can do is say no" he says. Both me and Devin know Michael can do much worse then say no. "Ok I'm going to bed don't tell Austin" I say walking into my house. "I won't" he says flying back to Bri.

•-•time skip•-•
Morning comes around and I'm woken by Austin tipping water on my head. "Hey get back here" I yell as he runs off "we have to go see Michael" he yells. "What why?" I ask slightly blushing "the deal we made" Austin says walking back to me. "Ok let's get the others and go" I say running off meet the others.

Michael's POV:
I was standing out the front of my house when I hear people walking up to me I turn around to see Devin Richie Austin and some elf?
;-; time skip ;-;
After the meeting they started to leave when Devin wishers something to Richie. Richie went slightly red and nodded the others leave, leaving Richie here. "Why are you still here" I ask "umm sorry I just wanted to ask you something" he looks down "you wish to make a another deal?" I ask "n-no" he says wrapping his arms around him self. "You seem stressed are you alright?" I ask "y-yeah" he says tail between his legs.

Richie's POV:
I was standing in front of Michael he was watching my every move. I'm so nervous I start to shake "are you sure you're okay?" He asks "no" I say on the verge of tears. He pulls me into a hug "sorry I'm not good at comforting people" he whispered. I hug him tears escaping my eyes. A few minutes later I calm down he let's go of me. "I'm sorry I haven't had a panic attack in years" I say still nervous. "It's ok what did you want to ask?" Michael says looking me in the eyes. "I like you" I say looking him in the eyes.

Michael's POV:
"I like you" 'what? Why would he like me? I'm the devil is this some sick joke?' "Why?" I ask "I don't know" he answered "what do you mean you don't know" "I don't know I was looking at the stairs and just started thinking about you and how cute you are" he looks me in the eyes. "Ok" I look away 'I don't know this feeling' my chest feels warm and Mai does my cheeks. "Would y-you go on a date with me" Richie says blushing "yes" I say looking at him with a smile. He steps closer to me bring his face closer to mine, he quickly kisses my cheek. He turns to leave "wait" I say "yes?" He responds I pull him in to a hug "tomorrow for lunch come here" I smile "it's a date" Richie smiles I kiss his lips he blush's. "See you tomorrow" he smiles.

Ok so this is really kind of long 1032 words also I only haft edited this one-shot but it's fine hop you enjoy if you have any ships or story ideas feel free to comment them.

Bye •-•

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