I like you (Hotd)

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Requested by @FuntimeGalx

Richie's POV:
We were walking to our houses after we left the Zaro's house Brandeen and David were in front of me well Michael walks beside me. "So how was your day?" I Ask "it's been good you?" "Same" we say half joking "but seriously how are you doing?" Michael asks "ok I guess I mean I you killed Lucas I killed Zaro Brandeen killed Inmo and the old guy so I'm doing fine" "that's good" Michael smiles. "Hey you two we are going to go to mine house so can you to go you your houses we will meat at Michael's in a hour and a half" David say as we split up. "let's go to your house" Michael say walking around the corner.
We walk inside of my house "mum?" I call out "the car wasn't in the driveway" Michael say walking over to the pantry opening it. "So they left me" I sit on a stool leaning my arms against the bench "they didn't have much choice and were probably in a rush" Michael try's to explain as he grabs cans of food "so they left me to die" "hey it's ok I won't let that happen" Michael grabs my hand making my face heat up "I'm going to find my torch I stand up going to my room I close the door and sits on my bed. I hide my face in my hands rolling into a ball 'what am I doing?!' I ask myself "Richie I got all the food I could find and some water bottles-" Michael walks in making me jump "are you ok?" "Yes I'm fine just tired" I say grabbing my torch and spear batteries "ok let's get to my house then" he say as we leave.
We get to Michael's street to see no cars we walk into his house and start collecting food and water. We end up waiting for the others Michael was reading a book sitting on the sofa as I locked all the doors I sit next to him leaving on his shoulder to see his book. "How long until they get here?" I ask "ten minutes or so" "can I ask you something?" "Yes" "do you like me?" "Of course I do your one of my friend" he answered "oh ok" I push myself off him "is something the matter?" "No it's ok I just wanted to know how you feel about me" "oh ok" he go's back to reading.
"Hey guys where here!" "Ok one second!" I say walking to the door letting them in "what did you guys get?" I ask as we walk into the kitchen after locking the door. Michael gets up and walks over to us "We got all the caned food in my house" David places the food on the bench "did you get water?" I ask "yes" Brandeen says placing about eight bottles of water next to the food "that's good" Michael says "so are we staying here?" I asks "yes we can board the windows but not Michael he broke my window last time" Brandeen says "well I'll get spare blankets out then Michael says "I'll help" I say following Michael to a cupboard he opens it and hands me two fluffy blankets "give these to the others" I think I have another one in my room I'll look later we go to the others "who wants the couches?" Michael asks "me!" David calls "me to!" Brandeen says sitting on one I hand them the blankets "where do I sleep?" "I don't know you can sleep in my parents room" "I'm not sleeping in your parents room!" "Ok you can sleep with Michael then" David suggested my face heats up again. "Richie can I talk to you in the other room?" Michael asked "sure" I follow him to his room closing the door behind us. "What's up your acting off?" He asks "no I'm not" "you are your blushing and asking odd questions and acting less comfortable around me" "I don't think I am" I look at the ground "you're not even looking me in the eyes what did I do?" He sounds hurt "n-no you didn't do anything wrong it's me!" "What?" He asks sitting on the bed "I Umm I don't know what is wrong I mean nothings wrong but I Umm" I sit next to him leaning on his shoulder. "I like you more then a friend it's just really confusing" I sigh "you like me?" "It's fine" I say standing up to leave "wait" he grabs my hand I look back at him "I think I like you to" he smiles. "What did he say?" I hear from out side my room "he likes him to" I open the door to see Brandeen and Davis outside the door "what are you doing here?" Michael asks "boarding the windows?" David asked "fine" we walk out as they plank up the windows.
After eating we decided for one person to stay awake first was David we were going two hour shifts. Michael lays on his bed patting the spot next to him I lay next to him facing away from him. "If you don't feel comfortable I can sleep on the floor" he offered "no" I say facing him "ok" he smiles. I rapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer making him blush "you're cute" I giggle "night" I say "night" we soon fall asleep cuddling.

hope you enjoyed if you have a ships and/or storyline you want to request feel free to comment it with what series you want.
Bye. o.o/

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