Feelings hurt

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Brandon's POV:
"Brandon I got you more toffee" Lukes yells before flying down
Holding my toffee. "Thanks" I smile sitting up taking it from him. I start to drink it I look at Lukes "is there something wrong?" I ask "no yes maybe?" He stutters a little "are you ok?" I ask I little worried. "I don't know" he looks down "what's bothering you?" I question "I have these feelings and I don't understand them" he looks at me a little scared. "Can you explain them?" I ask "well I don't know how to explain it I feel this feeling for... someone I feels like I want to be near them all the time not wanting them to leave me. But... it doesn't feel good I mean it feels really good but it hurts." He frowns looking up at me "like that there don't want to know me and I feel as if this feeling is made to make me sick." He looks at me scared "it hurts to be close to you I don't know what I'm feeling and it scares me so much!" he's eyes start to water. "Hey it's ok" I put down my toffee and pull him into a hug. He starts crying hugging me back "I don't want to feel like this" he whippers "it's ok I'm here for you" I whisper. I let him cry on my shoulder as I hide my blush. "hey you know I feel the same feeling as you and yes it does hurts but it feels amazing as well." I says playing with his hair "what's the feeling called?" He asks shaking a little "it's called a crush it starts little then it grows stronger when it's stronger it's called love" I say blushing "oh I see" he smiles. I kiss he's tears stains on his cheeks making him smiles "thank you" Lukes thanks me hugging me again.

Ok 319 words hope you enjoyed this oneshot if you have any ideas for a ship or a story line feel free to comment it.
Bye >_<

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