I was taged yeah

794 14 2

Thanks... @Ryana87088


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1. Not telling! (Just going by kacey)
2. Drawing and writing.
3. i like girls at the moment. (girl in red)


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5. To not have anxiety (it's impossible please send help)
6. Ok I've had worse
7. What are friends? (1 amazing friend I only text her I haven't seen her face to face for over two years and 7 other friends.
8. I do actually I've been enjoying class a lot more this year.
9. Art, English, media or Ag/hort
10. 🔥Australia🔥
11. I do like playing soccer and basketball/softball but hate watching sport.
12. I think so
13. I'm free
14. Idk girlinred/Cavetown/beach bunny
15. Yes 5 I'm the oldest.
16. I'm ok but I'm practicing.
17. 3
18. don't think so.
19. Single
20. Idk

I'm not going to tag 15 people so do this tag if you want and say I tagged you or do whatever?
Bye. \•_•/

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