Fly away

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This was a requested from @WelshKitsune
(Ok so I haven't had many ideas for chapters but I will be putting some of the requested ships into chapters like my other one-shot book)

TW: mention of alcohol and being drunk
(This is a little Badly worded at parts)

Brandon's POV:
I'm sitting on my roof waiting for Lucas to come home. Why did I set Lucas up with Jackson, he'll probably get bit or end up liking him and try's to leave? I shake my head trying to think of something else. I see Lucas flying in the distance he fly's close then lands he doesn't see me "what time do you call this?" I ask he looks up at me clearly drunk "y-you shouldn't b-be on the t-roof" he stutters out "your drunk" I state "pshh it's fine" Lucas mumbled "no your drunk I should have let you go to that date!" I raise my voice "did he bit you?" I ask trying to calm down "no don't think so" he looks at himself. "Why did I let you go you could have been hurt! And it would be my fault!" I raise my voice getting angry again "and if I just made you stay here you would have been safe, I wouldn't have stayed up waiting for you to get back and I wouldn't have been so worried about where you are" my eyes start to fill with water "you should go to bed" I say looking away from him "no what do you mean you were worried about me?" He asked "I care about you ok I like you and I don't want to see you hurt" I say "then why do you act like you don't want me here" Lucas raises his voice "I'm just really bad at showing emotions" I look away "you made fun of me for being scared of you kicking me out and not talking off the dumb maid outfit!" "I-I'm sorry I... I" "no! You made me scared and confused and-" he go quiet. "You made feel things I don't want to and you took advantage of me, I don't want to stay here" he looks up at me "I'm leaving" "where are you going" I ask before he flys away. My eyes start to water again I go inside flying down to my bed before falling asleep.

Lucas's POV:
"I'm leaving" I say coldly "where are you going" Branden asks I fly away I look back to se him crying as he walks inside. 'Where am I going should I go to the vampires? No the devils? Definitely not' I fly around thinking of where to go. 'That's it' I fly to a place I can hide it's a short fly there I then see it I fly down. I run and knock on someone's door "hey what are you doing here?" I look up to see Xylo "can I stay here?" I ask "yes this is a inn but why don't you live with Branden?" "I left and I don't want him to find me" I say "ok is something wrong?" He asks "I'm just really angry at him" I say looking at the ground "ok there's a room on the left, I need to speak with Mario" Xylo walks past me to another house. I walk Inside and find the room he was talking about.

Xylo's POV:
I walk to Mario's house and open the door "Mario we need to talk!" I walk in to see Mario and Bryan talking "hey Xylo" Bryan says looking at me "hey" "what did you want?" Mario asked "oh I think we shouldn't let Branden come over any time soon" I say "why is this" "well Lukes is staying in the inn and is really angry at Brandon for some reason" I explain "what did he do?" Bryan asked "I don't know Lukes said was that he left and he was angry" I answer. "Ok we should probably find out what Branden did" Mario say "we can do that tomorrow Xylo can you please leave" Bryan asked "ok bye" I walk out closing the door.

Lukes's POV:
I wake up in a odd room I then remember where I am and why I'm here, 'why did I yell at him he was worried about me but he needed to kiss that I wasn't happy with how he treated me. I get up looking out the door "hey how are you" Xylo asked walking past me. "Better" I smile "so what actually happened last night?" He asked I look down not wanting to talk about it to him. "If you don't tell me you'll have to tell Mario" "can I have some water" I ask "fine but alpha will want to know" he says. He gets me a glass of water placing it on a table "I'll be back" he says walking out side. I take a sip of water be for Xylo walks in with Mario and Bryan. "Hey we would like to know what's happened" Mario asks I look at my water Bryan wishers something to Mario as Xylo nods. Mario and Xylo leave the room well Bryan sits down on a chair "hey sit down" he smiles. "so I don't think we have met I'm Bryan" he says "I'm Lukes and Xylo already told me who you are" I sit down. "Do you want to tell me what happened yesterday?" He asked "no" I say "it's ok to tell me I'm not going to tell Mario or Xylo" he reassured me. I don't say anything "well if you don't talk I will" he says I look at him confused "ok you can't tell anyone else about this ok" is says I nod "me and Mario are dating and he didn't want to tell the pack. It hurt I felt like he was embarrassed by me or didn't want to be with me, but when I asked him why he didn't want to tell the pack it was because he was scared. He was scared of what will happen if the pack knew if they would bully us, and he new it sounds odd to be scared about that the pack loves us but he was still scared. So now we are slowly telling the pack one person a day" he smiles. "That nice" I smile to then frowned "I was drunk last night I came home late Branden stayed up for me he got angry at me for being drunk he yelled stuff I yell back he ended up confessed to me that he liked me and that he was worried he ended up almost crying" my eyes started to water "I yelled at him about how he treated me and made me feel bad about myself witch was true but I was to drunk to realise he was scared of losing me I then yelled out I'm leaving and then I flew away not telling him where I was going" at this point I'm crying "do you want to see him?" Bryan asked "I don't know I want to apologise to him but I'm scared of him hating me" I say worried "well i think you should probably talk to him about this" Bryan smiles "yeah" I stand up Bryan does the same "hug?" He asked I nod we hug then walk out Mario and Xylo were talking on the balcony "hey you feel better" Xylo asked "I think I do" I smile "good if Bryan couldn't help make you feel better I don't know what we could do" Mario smiled "I think I should go thank you Xylo for letting me stay" I say flying off.

Branden's POV:
I wake up looking around before getting up to make myself toffee before going back to bed. "I stuffed up" my eyes start to fill with water I lay down trying to get to sleep, it fails so I just lay there staring at the roof quietly.

Lukes's POV:
I land on Branden's flying whale quietly opening the door. Flying down to Branden's room seeing him laying in bed "hey get up" I say "you're back?" He sits up "yes and we need to talk" I sit down with him "first of all I was drunk last night and said things I regret saying but it was true you made me feel scared of having nowhere to go" "where did you go?" He asked "pack haven I talked to Xylo and Bryan but I need to know how you feel about me" "I like you and I'm sorry about yelling at you yesterday I was just so worried" he looks down.
I hold his hand "would you like to go on a date?" I ask "why?" He asked "because you were so jealous of me and Jackson going on one" I say smirking "oh" he blush's "yeah I would love to" he smiles.

1474 words and guess who isn't editing their writing and probably has and a heap of misspellings.
well hope you enjoyed if you have any ideas for a ship or a story line feel free to comment it.
Bye •—•/

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