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So this was originally a requested from @WelshKitsune but I didn't follow the request fully and this is what I ended up with I do plan to redo the request to follow it better I just don't have the time at the moment.

Jackson's POV:
Well walking around at night looking for Colin who had taken more wine without asking I see Brandon sitting on the ground. "Hey Brandon" I say walking up to him he look up at me with a sour look on his face "hey" he grumbles "what's wrong?" "I sprained my wing" "oh do you want to come to the castle?" "Fine" he stands and walks with me inside "are you hungry?" "I don't drink blood Jackson" "I have cookies" I hand him some "oh ok" he takes them. "So how did you sprain your wing?" "Well I was flying then I turned a little quickly and now my wing hurts" "do you want ice for it?" "I could help" he sits on one of the couch's well I get ice. "Do you want to say the night?" I ask walking but over to him handing him the ice "no I should probably get going" "can you fly?" "Well... sure I can" "can you?" "I can but it hurts" "ok stay away from flying until it's better or you'll strain it" "oh and you can stay away from thing" he says under his breath. "What do you mean by that?" I ask "well you have your-" I cover his mouth "let's go to my room to talk about that" we walk upstairs to my room and sit on my couch "what about me?" "Your drinking problem" "I do not have a drinking problem!" "Yes you do you run around biting people" "I don't do that!" "Yes you do" "I ask for consent!" "Oh and that makes your addiction ok doesn't it!" "it's not a addiction!" "Yes it is you have a problem and you need to excepted it" "why are you to yelling?" I look to the door to see Marcus standing at the door "it's fine Marcus we were only talking about somethings" I say looking at Brandon "yeah sure I'm going to sleep" he lays down I stand up and walk over to Marcus "are you ok?" "Yeah I just wanted to know why you were yelling" he looks down "Branden just brought up a sensitive subject" "o-ok g-good night j-Jackson" he hugs me "good night" I smile as he leaves to his room "ooh you like him" "shhh! Sleep I'm going to call Lucas and tell him not to worry about you" I say walking upstairs.

- - - -
Brandon's POV:
I wake up to see that I'm in Jackson's room in font of the fire place. I look around to see Oliver starring at me I get up to see Jackson walking down stairs "hey Lucas didn't answer the phone last night so you might want to get going but how's the wing?" "My wing is better it's no longer hurting" "that's good" "well I'll be going then bye" I say walking out "oh hey!" I turn to see Colin "what do you want?" I ask "to say sorry what I said about... well I was insensitive about the topic and I'm sorry about it I now you have all the right to say angry an me I just wanted to apologise" "what ever" I say leaving.
I fly over to my whale landing at the front door "Lucas!" I call out walking in "Branden!" He says climbing down them hugging me "where were you I was worried!" He asked "I was a the vampires place" "Why?" "It doesn't matter" "what happened?" "I sprained my wing well flying and Jackson didn't want me flying on it for a bit so I started with him" "oh ok I make you toffee" Lucas smiles handing me the teacup. "Thank you" I say before sitting on the roof.

I hope you enjoyed if you have a ships and/or storyline you want to request feel Free to comment it.
Bye. ,•-•,

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