This is why Richie shouldn't drink

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When Ritchie came home drunk with 5 bottles of wine, Michael knew it would end badly.

“Come on cap’n let’s have some fun~” Ritchie slurred while sneaking his arm around Michael’s waist.

“No Ritchie,” Michael said to Ritchie once he escaped his grip.

“Please my sexy little munchkin. We could have some fun, David and Brandon are both out. It’s just you and me.”

“No Ritchie,” Michael said with more anger while he picked up the 4 wine bottles Ritchie had emptied.

Ritchie being the drunk and the sin of lust wouldn’t take no for an answer.

After Michael had thrown the bottles in the garbage bin, he turned around to see Ritchie’s face an inch from his own. “Ritchie what the fu-” Michael backed into the wall.

“Come on cap’. It’ll be fun,” Ritchie slurred while putting both hands on either side of Michael’s head. Before Michael could answer the sin of lust’s lips were on his own.

When Michael woke up to see himself naked on Ritchie’s bed, he was not in the best mood.

“No. No. No. This can not be happening. I did not just sleep with Ritchie,” Michael muttered while quickly putting his own clothes back on and putting Ritchie’s pants on him.

“I… slept with the sin of Lust,” The sin of Wrath said to himself as he went downstairs to make his tea for the day.

It had been about 2 hours later that David and Brandon came back after seeing Lady Merlin.

“So what did Lady Merlin want to talk about with you two?” Michael asked from his yoga mat. Where he was doing his daily yoga.

“Something about some group of people,” David answered. “Hey, Brandon what did Merlin~Sama say they were doing again?” 

“Drinking demon blood.” Brandon related sleepily from where he was floating.

As the three sins continued to talk about what Lady Merlin had said, Ritchie finally woke up.

“What time is it?” Ritchie asked as he got out of bed and looked out his window. “Oh damn it. I’m late for my date with Kris. She’ll be so sad.” 

As Ritchie changed his clothes he went over his plan for the day. Okay. Kris at 10. Dan at 11. Lunch with Bri. Karen at 2. And Dave at 4. 

“No! Not the honey Captain!” A voice yelled from downstairs.

“Shut up David!” The captain yelled back.

The sound of breaking glass was heard through the house. Ritchie walked down the stairs to see Michael standing on David’s bed with the honey pot in his hands and the window broken.

Michael was just about to throw the pot of honey out the window when Ritchie walked down the stairs. no. No. No! NO! Ritchie is here. The man I did IT with. Does he remember? Those thoughts and more like them filed the sin of wrath’s head.

“Morning my little Munchkin, Meathead, and the Narc- Of course, he’s asleep. Cap’ do we have any meds? I have a headache,” Ritchie said. David ran over to his bed and grabbed the honey pot out of his captain’s hands before he could throw it out the window.

“Y-yes. It’s on the table,” Michael stuttered as the blush grew on his face because of the nickname.

“I can’t have a headache when I go on a date with Dan,” Ritchie said as he took some pills. “Well I’ll be going now,” Ritchie said as he walked out not seeing the sad look on his captain’s face.

“Cap’ Why do you look sad?” The sin of Pride asked concerned about his captain.

“I’m fine David… I’m fine.”

On my gods about 680 words. Well i an sorry about any mistake in the writing still new to this, please do piont out any mistake i made in it. Just don't be mean ( this is my 2nd fic ever writing so)

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