The news

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When Brandon found Michael he was not in the best shape. He was sitting on the ground crying as he hugged himself. 

"Michael are you ok?" Brandon asked as he ran over to Michael to check him for wounds. 

"Physically mostly." Michael paused. "Mentally no." 

"What did they do?"

"Brandon how many life forms do you sense here?" Michael asked, snapping his head up to look Brandon in the eyes for the first time in the conversation. 

"But Michael it is just you and me here."

"Just do it! I want to be sure," Michael said as he looked back down at his stomach. 

"Ok," Brandon said as he looked around to sense the life forms in the clearing. "It's just me, you that’s-" Brandon stopped as he turned to look at Michael. Brandon then looked down at Michael’s stomach then back up at his face. 

"Michael your pre-"

"Yes, I know!"

"Who is the father? ...Michael, who is the father?" Brandon said more firmly.

"Ritchie," Michael whispered, still not looking back up at his friend. 

"Ritchie? Like, The Sin of Lust Ritchie?"


"How is the name of Lucas, did that happen!?" Brandon asked in complete shock. Firstly because Ritchie somehow did it with the Cap and hadn’t gloated about it. And secondly. How in the world was Michael pregnant!? Brandon knew that Michael was a demon but that seemed a little too far fetched. 

"It was when you and David had gone to see Lady Merlin. Ritchie had come back to the house drunk and before I knew it Ritchie kissed me then I woke up in bed with him."

"That was like 2 months ago. You have kept that to yourself for 2 months. Does Ritchie know?"

"No. And don't you dare tell him! I don't know what I would do if he found out."

"So Captain, what are you doing to do about this?" Brandon asked as he helped Michael to his feet. 

"I don't know Brandon. I don't know."

"Ritchie do you have any clue what is up with Cap’ and Brandon?" David asked Ritchie as they watched Michael and Brandon talk quietly on the other side of the room. 

"Why don’t you just go ask them? I have a date," Ritchie said as he got off of the couch he and David were sitting on and walked out the door. 

"When don't you have a date?" David muttered under his breath as he walked over to the Captain and Brandon. 

"Hey Cap, Narcoleptic what are you talking about?"

Brandon yawned. "About the fact that Michael is pre-" was all that The Sin of Sloth could say before Michael's hand shot up to cover his mouth. 

"The fact that- Something one of the people in the dark guild said to me when we were fighting," Michael lied because he didn't want David to know that he was pregnant.

"What did they say, Cap?"

"That one of the demon seals was opened. Well, think I'm going to be off to bed now." Michael lied through his teeth. 

"Good night," Brandon yawned.

One week later

It was 2 am when Michael had finished packing his bags. I am going to miss this place, but this is for the best for both of us, he thought as he set one of his hands on his stomach.

"So you are going to go?"

"Brandon you scared me and yes. I am going." 

"Why? Ritchie would probably be really happy to know he is a father."

"I'm sorry, I think that is the best thing for the little one."

"Well if you are leaving send me letters. I want to meet the little one when she is born."

"She?" Michael asked, wondering why Brandon thought the baby was a girl. 

Brandon just shrugged. "Fairy intuition I guess."

"Well, we should be going now," Michael said to Brandon as he picked up his last bag. Brandon didn't say anything as he pulled the shorter man into a hug. 

"Please stay alive. I don't think I could handle it if both for my childhood friends were dead." Brandon finally said letting go of Michael. 

"I will," Michael said and with that, The Sin of Wrath walked to the door and opened it. Before he walked through the door Michael turned back to face his old friend. "Please Brandon, try to keep The Sins together."

"Will do Cap," Brandon said as Michael walked out the door. 

~I'm not crying you are
Well i hope you like the chapter it was one of more harder one to write~

~Ace out

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