Dark guild is doing what?

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Six weeks had passed since that day. The life of the 4 Sins had gone on as normal. Well as normal as the life of a Sin can go. Except for the captain that is. Michael still could not wrap his head around what had happened six weeks ago.


“Merlin my love.”

“No no no! Do we have to go over the rule for when we visit Lady Merlin?”

“Stand right next to her and ask her out. Right Cap’?”

“NO! You will be 10 feet from her at all times. Got it? That goes for you to David.”

“But it’s Merlin~Sama.”

“Do you want me to blow Camelot into the sky?”

“No captain.”

“Alright then to Lady Merlin,” Ritchie said as he and David took off running. Both trying to get to Lady Merlin’s first.

“They are never going to learn. Are they?” Michael asked while shaking his head.

“No. I don’t think so cap’,” Brandon said sleepily floating over Michael. “Oh by the way Cap’ I’ve been meaning to ask you; Are you okay?”

“What do you mean by that Brandon?” Michael asks.

“It’s just that your emotions have been all over the place, well more so than normal.”

“No I am fine,” Michael replied as he started to walk to Lady Merlin’s tower. In truth, Michael was not fine mentally or physically. He was jealous of all the guys and girls Ritchie went out on dates with. He was mad at Ritchie for not remembering that night. He had been throwing up almost every morning for the last week.

“No, she is my Lady!”

“No, Merlin~Sama is my-”

“Ladies ladies! You’re both beautiful now will you shut up so we can go talk to her!” Brandon yelled at the two, still mad that they woke him up from his nap 26 minutes before 11 am.

“But it’s Merlin~Sama.”

“But it’s my Honey.”

“No. We are going to see what mission Lady Merlin has for us. And you two are going to be quiet and not talk to Lady Merlin. Got it?” Michael asked as he opened the door to Merlin’s office.

“Good morning boys.”

“Hello, La-” Michael was cut off by David yelling.

“Merlin~Sama!” He tried to run forward but Brandon grabbed him by the collar of his jacket. He also grabbed Ritchie’s collar as well and threw them both out, closing the door after them.

“Thank you, Bandon. I think this meeting will a lot go smoother now that those two are gone. So what was the mission you needed us to go on, Lady Merlin?” Michael turned around to see Merlin was still sitting in her chair.

“I need you 4 to go stop a group of people from using demon blood to make themselves stronger.”

“Is that the same mission you talked to me and David about when we were last here?” Brandon asked yawning.

“Yes Brandon. Good to know you were listening.” Merlin said smirking as she stood up to go grab a piece of paper off her shelf. “This is a map of where the Dark Guild was last seen.”

“All right, we will head straight there. Thank you lady merlin.”

“No problem Michael. No problem at all.”

“They are on route to Feth now.”

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