The fallen angel

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It had been 5 weeks since he was thrown in the cell and three days since his short new cellmate was also thrown in. 

Michael opened his eyes to see the dark silhouette of a figure sitting on the other side of the cell. "Good to see you are finally awake, Michael," a male voice welcomed him. 

"Where am I, and how do you know my name?" 

"And here I thought you would remember your old friend," He said as he walked out of the shadows so Michael could see him. He had pale blue hair that was almost white with a darker blue streak that covered his right eye. His left eye was bright blue. He had a pair of white wings tucked behind his back.

"Lucas is that you?" 

"Long time, no see. Old friend," The angel smirked. 

"Dad!" Odysseia woke up screaming as she shot up to a sitting position. "Wh-where am I?" Odysseia asked as she looked around. 

"You are in your home Odyssey," Brandon said from the chair he was sitting on. 

"Brandon, that is not important right now! What is, is how does she have the captain's power!?" David shouted from the doorway. He was too tall to get into the room.

"Odyssey, where is Michael?" Brandon asked, ignoring David.

"They got him, Brandon. Dad he-" Odysseia sobbed. "They had me but... Dad gave himself up... for me," Her voice quivered. 

"Wh-what? That's not good," Brandon said, standing up so fast he knocked over the chair he was on. 

"I know, I know but they didn't get Full Counter," Odysseia said getting off the bed she was on. 

"So the sleepy Beauty lives,” Ritchie said as he appeared in the doorway. 

"Ritchie... your back. Where were you!?" Brandon yelled at him. 

Odysseia turned to look at The Sin who had just shown up. Rage overtook her. She walked up to where Ritchie was standing and stopped in front of him.

"What are you doing cute-" Ritchie was unable to finish before Odysseia punched him straight in the face. 

~Sorry about the late chapter, I not 100% sure what I am going to do next so if you have any ideas. I would love to hear they~

~Ace out

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