The Angle, the Dragon, and the Demons

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...It had been two days since Brandon broke Odyssey out of jail and they were from what Odysseia could guess 3 miles from the demon base when they saw flashes of golden light and what looked to be attacks being reflected back at the person who fired the spell.

"Well," Brandon said looking up at the flashing light. "I think Micheal started the prison break without us." With that the two Sins took off running.

When Brandon and Odysseia got to the demon base the fight was not looking good. Micheal was backed up into a corner with a half conscience person that Micheal supported. Well another person was surrounded by demons. 

'Shit' Michael thought as his back hit one of the old crumbling wall; if you could call what renamed a wall at all. Meaning that Lucas and himself were trapped and it didn't help that Lucas was barely awake and Micheal did not have a weapon. 

Just as one of the demons raised it's sword to cut Lucas' head off, a golden spear ripped through the demon before moving to then to likely do the same thing the others. 

Micheal smiled because he would recognize that weapon anywhere. 

"Sorry we're late cap" Brandon yell running in the fight with Odysseia following.

"Dad catch" Odysseia yelled throwing Micheal's sword to him. Catching the sword Micheal smirked "Thank" he yelled back before turn to some of the demons. 

The five fighters made quick work of the demons. From Micheal reflecting the demon's attacks right back at them. Brandon spearing any demon how dared to get close to him or the passed light blue haired boy that Micheal had made their break out with. 

Odysseia and the other boy who had dragon horns, were on the other side of the clearing. As the dragon boy was ripping through the demon, as Odysseia shot down any demons she saw. 

Soon all the demons were defeated. 

"Dad" Odysseia yelled as she ran to Micheal before hugging him like he was going to disappear. 

"It's good to see you to my little dragon" Micheal hugged his daughter back as small tears fell for his eyes. 

"Awwww" Brandon said when he looked over to the reunited father and daughter after he had healed the white haired winged boy.

"Shut Brandon," Micheal said jokingly, finally letting Odysseia off of the hug.

Brandon just rolled his eyes before then turning to look at the dragon boy. "So Lucas, who is your and Micheal's new friend?"

"Mario," the dragon boy now known as Mario said before the angle could answer. 

"Alright" Brandon turns back to Micheal "we should be heading back to Camelot before Richie and Eris tie the knot." 

"WHAT" Micheal yells "Richie is marrying Eris, like the demon Eris."

"Nooo the unicorn" Odysseia said sarcastically then yelled "of course the demon!" 

"I didn't need your sarcasm now , Odyssey" Micheal said to his child. "How long do we have to stop the wedding?"

"Three days right," Odysseia said, then looked over at Brandon for confirmation. Brandon didn't answer right away because he was too busy talking with Lucas.

Odysseia looked over at Micheal then gestured at the two love birds. "Just let them be, they have not seen each other in about 700 years. I'm just surprised they aren't kissing yet." Micheal smiled as he looked at his two old friends talking.

Mario who had been quiet up till now then said " So what the plan, are we just going to walk right up to the demon when she's getting married or are we going to try to assassinate her before the wedding or what?"

"To be honest with you I don't have a plan right now but I'll come up with something later" Micheal said to Mario before then saying "Alright people we have three day to get to and stop a wedding, who is on board?"

All the others raised their hands. Odysseia then walked up to her dad, "We should be heading out before more demons come back."

Micheal nodes "Ok people we have a wedding to crash let's go"

~At Camelot~

Bella was in her room when the message came.

"Lady Eris, lady Eris" a small demon yelled as it flowed in through the open window and onto Bella's vanity. 

"What is it you pest?" she spat at the demon.

"It's-it's the" the demon stuttered. "It what? Bella yelled "what a useless demon!"

"The prisoners the-they escaped"

"WHAT" Bella roared know that would not be good for her plans "What do you they escaped"

The demon coward before saying "but there is good news, all if the part to open the seal. That are heading right to you, lady Eris"

Thinking Bella then said "Send a message to my brother and tell him to bring a seal to me."

Nodding the demon flowed out the window to go deliver his message. 

Looking out the window in the direction of their base, Bella thought to herself. What are you up to little brother, what is your angle?

~finlly I got the chapter done, the next  one will more well likely take me a little long to write because I till work on how it's going to go and so back story for the newer charterers. I'm also changing how Lucas looks to better work with the story~

~Ace out

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