Countdown to the end

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Four cloaked people ran through the dark alleys of Camelot as if they were looking for something or someone.

Then one of the many back doors that led into the alleyway opened. The black silhouette of a man stood in the doorway.

"Quick, in here" the man said as he moved to the side to let the others inside. Three of the people rushed in but the fourth and third shortest pause at the doorway.

Looking over their shoulder at the sky they thought to themself. 22 hours left, 22 hour to the wedding.

22 hour to go

David was not having a good day, first Richie woke him up at 4 am because Richie was nervous about the marrying Bella thing. Then him had somehow lost his tie of the groom's man suit he had to wear of the wedding.

So here David was at 10 am in town, very tired and looking for a new tie. 

"Now where is that clothing store" David asked himself as he walked through the square. After walking around for minutes David finally found the store he was looking for, The Aphrodite boutique.

Upon walking in, David saw that it was just himself, one worker and two other people that looked somewhat familiar to the sin of pride. Shrugging it off David started looking for a new tie off the wedding. 

"Are you sure this is color"

"Yes Lucas, for the fourth time it is your color"

"Are you sure, I should go grab and yellow one"

"Nope! I'm done, we have been here for two hours" one of the two other shoppers yelled and then started walking away from the other.

David quickly turned his head back to the wall of ties when he realized that the person was walking towards him. 

"This is why I don't do shopping" the person said to themself as they walked over to where David was.

David had just found the right color tie when he felt someone knock into him. Quickly turning around David was able to catch the person who ran into him in his arms before they fell to the ground. Blue and green eyes locked.

"Mario?!" David said to the brunette in his arms.

"David?!" Mario said that the same shock and surprise that David had in his voice. David quickly helped Mario stand back up.

David quickly hugged the other saying "I thought you were die, why didn't you tell me you were still kicking"

Mario didn't answer, he just hugged David back and David didn't mind.

"What is with you and Ginger's, Marie?"

Mario just rodded his eye and let go of David "Really Lucas?"

David looked over to the others who had spoken upon hearing the others' name. He had lit blonde hair with a ginger streak and a covering his left eye. 

David and Lucas looked at the other in shock before Lucas said quietly "Brother, is that you"

All David could do was nod before Lucas threw himself at David hugging him. 

Minutes passed quietly before Mario broke it. "I hate to break up this sibling reunion but me and Lucas are on a time crunch, so we got to go."

Lucas quickly looked over to the clock "Fudge, Your right. Brandon should have already got what the others needed" 

"Wait Brandon?" David asked himself then said louder "like the sin of sloth, Brandon?"

"Yea, that is what title he said he had but Lucas and me have to go now" Mario said then turned to the counter. Lucas followed. 

"Bye bro, we can catch up another time"

David had nearly no time to wave goodbye before his brother and childhood friend ran out the door.

10 hours left

"The seal has been installed, Eris" Dolus said as he turned from black mist formed into the general shape of a person" and I got the book you wanted sister."

"Great, place it on the bed, dear brother" Bella said as she applied her lipstick.

Dolus nodded and set the book to the bed but then Bella said "you should really get yourself a host of the event."

"Do you have any in mind sister?"

Bella sat her lipstick down "I think the body of the sin of pride would be quite the useful tool."

"I see, yes he would be quite the host" Dolus said smokey fingers placed thoughtfully on his chin. 

"Then you should go, you do want some time to try out the body"

"I will get going then" with that Dolus faded away.

Five hour till the end

~sorry that this chapter toke so long to write. I get started soccer and school in the last mouth and had almost no time to write. On top of that I had been making timelines for the people in the book and making gacha version of most main casted.

~Ace out

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