I. Goodbye, Amber Parker

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Alisa Parker lies alone in bed, reading a Stephen King novel, The Shining

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Alisa Parker lies alone in bed, reading a Stephen King novel, The Shining. Unfortunately for the young girl, she was forced to stay in her room all day as she was sick. Added to her misfortune, it was pouring outside, and it looked like it had no business in stopping.

Her door creaks open as a young six year old girl peaks through. "What do you want, Amber. I'm not feeling well." Alisa sniffles, grabbing a tissue and blowing her nose.

"I wanna play out in the rain!" Amber whines, stomping her foot on the ground. "Amber, I can't play with you today, I'm sorry." Alisa sighs, putting a bookmark on page 267 and getting off of the bed.

"Then what do I do? I'll have nothing fun to do outside!" Amber whines once again, earning an eye roll from her sister. "Hold on." Alisa replies, placing her book on the shelf.

She looks to her desk and takes a seat, grabbing a sheet of paper. She folds it a few times, making her own creation. It was a beautifully crafted paper boat. That wasn't it though. Alisa grabbed a ribbon and tied it at the tip of the boat.

Finally, Alisa grabs a pink marker and writing something down with her prettiest handwriting, which wasn't very perfect in the first place.

S.S Princess Amber

Amber loved to be called that, she's always dreamed of become a princess, if only life was that simple.

Alisa grabs some wax from her drawer, and brushes it over the boat, so it could float properly.

"She's all ready, princess." Alisa smiles, pulling a strand of her red hair behind her ear. "She?" The young blonde looks to her older sister curiously, just as young Georgie was doing right at this moment.

"You call boats she." Alisa explains, earning a smile from the six year old. "She." Amber repeats, her dimples showing through her adorable smile.

"Alright, well. I better get back to bed." Alisa states, getting up and waving at her sister as she heads out.

The red-head watches as her sister leaves, bright purple rain jacket, and white sneakers, despite the harsh  rainfall.

"Be careful." She mouths to her sister, noticing another young boy joining in with Amber. She knew this kid as Georgie who lived next door.

She's never really spoken to him or his brother, but she's had a few awkward waves through her bedroom window with Bill Denbrough. Every once in a while, they would meet up with the Denbroughs at church too. As she turns to look at her other window, she notices Bill doing the same. The two share an awkward stare, before Alisa draws the curtains.

Georgie and Amber acknowledge each other, then run along joyfully, laughing amongst themselves. They follow their boats, splashing around, not even a care about their wet clothing.

Ahead of them, were two construction gates. The two manage to duck down, but in the second one, Georgie falls over. Amber, worried for her friend, stops and waits for him, letting their boats float off.

She helps the boy up, and they quickly run, trying to catch up before they fall right into the sewer hole nearby. "No!" Georgie and Amber scream as both their boats fall into the pit of darkness.

"Bill's gonna Kill me!" They crouch down, searching for any sign of their boats. All of a sudden, a pair of yellow eyes appears, frightening the two. "Hiya Georgie, Amber." A sinister voice is heard, a mischievous clown appearing in the light.

"What nice boats, do you want them back?"  The strange clown asks. "Um.. yes please.." Georgie replies, feeling uneasy. Amber was feeling the same. Alisa had once read her sister a horror book late at night in act of scaring her. The book was about a horrifying clown, so this was definitely unsettling.

"You look like nice kids, i bet you have lots of friends." It makes conversation, smiling. "Three, but Bill is my best best." Georgie replies nonchalantly as Amber remains silent. "Oh? Where is he?"

"In bed, sick." Georgie sighs. "My sister too, Alisa. It's a terrible case of the Flu." Amber finally speaks up, feeling a little more comfortable.

"I bet I could cheer them up. I'll give them a balloon. Do you want a balloon too?" Amber shakes her head, she feels that she should leave, but if Georgie is here, she should probably stay with her friend.

"I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers." Georgie states. "Me neither." Amber adds. "Oh, well I'm Pennywise the dancing clown! Pennywise, meet Georgie and Amber, Georgie and Amber, meet Pennywise. Now we aren't strangers, are we?" The clown asks.

"I guess not.." Amber replies. "What are you doing in the sewers?" Asks Georgie. "The storm blew me away, blew the whole circus away." The clown seems to be crying, clearly upset. "Can you smell the circus, Georgie?"

"They've got peanuts, cotton candy, hot dogs, and...." The clown waits for Georgie's reply. "Popcorn?" Georgie asks. "Popcorn! Yes! Is that your favorite?"

"Uhuh!" Georgie nods, smiling. Amber is confused as to why Georgie is comfortable in this situation. "Mine too! Because they go pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!" After a little laughter from both the clown and Georgie, it's face returns to a plain one, slightly drooling as time seems to stop for the sinister clown.

"Um.. we should get going now.." Amber says, tugging on Georgie's arm. "Without your boats?" The clown asks, holding up both their boats. "Come on, Bill and dear Ally are gonna Kill you." The clown smirks, waiting for the two to reach their hands.'

Georgie begins reaching his hand in, causing the blonde to copy. After a few moments of struggling to reach the boats, both their right arms are bitten clean off, leaving a pool of blood as they cry. Trying to drag themselves away.

"My arm!" Georgie cries. "Help!" Amber screams. A hand creeps up from behind them, grabbing their ankles and finally dragging them into the sewers.

That was the end of Georgie and Amber, but Bill and Alisa didn't know that yet.

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