IV. Barrens Discovery

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Alisa is awoken by the sound of Richie and Bill talking amongst each other

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Alisa is awoken by the sound of Richie and Bill talking amongst each other. "She was crying, so I let her in. It's no big deal." Richie says, looking towards stuttering Bill. "That's not what I'm worried about, I'm worried about why she was c-c-crying!" Bill responds, looking to the girl, noticing her eyes were slightly open.

"Well, good morning, princess. It's a beautiful day ain't it?" Richie says, smiling to her. Alisa rubs her eyes for a moment, then sits up. "Beautiful." she repeats in a low morning voice, fixing her hair and getting up to sit next to Bill.

"We have to head to E-E-Eddie's house soon. Are you alright?" Bill asks, putting his arm around the girl. "Yeah, I'm alright." She smiles, getting up and heading to the bathroom.

The three teenagers head to the Kapsbrak residence, which wasn't too far down from here. "Is it just me? Or is M-M-Mrs. Kaspbrak pretty scary." Bill asks, looking to Richie. "Yeah, you should see her in bed." Richie shivers, causing the red head to roll her eyes.

After about ten minutes, the three arrive at the house and enter like they own the place. "Oh! Eddie! Your friends are here! They just barged in." Mrs. Kaspbrak calls out, gritting her teeth as she lets out the last sentence.

"Oh!" Eddie shouts, running down the steps of the house, being careful not to fall down. "Alright, guys. Come to the kitchen." He instructs, leading them into another room.

"Ooh! I'm gonna grab some snacks." Alisa smiles, opening the cabinet. "Oh please, you are a snack." Richie jokes, putting up his hand for a high five, but gets rejected as he always does. "That's fricken disgusting, dude." Eddie says, scrunching up his face at the kid.

Alisa simply smiles, shaking her head in disappointment. "Take everything but the Delicious Deals, guys. My mom loves them." Eddie says as Richie, Bill, and Alisa grab a ton of boxes, carefully placing them into a backpack.

"Hey! First you said the Barrens, and now you're saying the sewer." Eddie begins, leaning his weight on the kitchen counter. "I mean, what if we get caught?" Eddie finishes his sentence of with a whisper. "We won't, Eds. The sewers are p-p-public works. We're the public aren't we?" Bill replies, closing the snack cabinet as Richie opens another one behind Eddie, one filled with medication and pills.

"Hey, Eddie, these your birth control pills?" Richie asks, turning to the short boy. "Yeah and I'm saving it for your sister. This is private stuff." Eddie walks over, closing the cabinet door and heading off back to the front door.

Alisa slowly follows behind all the boys, as Richie walks in front. On his way, Eddie grabs a container of pills, placing it into his fanny pack. "Eddie Bear, where are you boys off to in such a rush?" Mrs. Kaspbrak asks as the big woman leans her weight on a sofa chair, slowly rocking back and forth.

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