VI. Unexpected Visitors

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After helping the new boy, Ben, Richie, Stanley, Bill, Alisa, and Eddie think that it's best if they all go their separate ways

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After helping the new boy, Ben, Richie, Stanley, Bill, Alisa, and Eddie think that it's best if they all go their separate ways. Of course, Bill and Alisa would be going in the same direction.

"Hold on!" Richie calls out to the red head as she climbs onto her bike. "Now, What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take my girlfriend home." The black haired boy smirks as he earns many curious faces. "Y-you guys are dating?" Bill asks.

"No! No! We're definitely not dating, and this kid should just shut his mouth for once." Alisa replies, putting her hand up to prove her point. "Oh yeah? Make me." Richie smirks.

"Don't even start with me, Tozier." Alisa drops her bike, walking over to the tall boy, not intimated by how close the two were. "Parker." Richie simply says, mimicking her.

"Richard." She raises her eyebrow for a moment, still walking up closer to him, despite their height difference. "Alisa." The loud mouthed boy squints his eyes at her.

Meanwhile the two repeat nicknames and mimic each other, Bill and the others had already left, knowing that the two should probably spend some time alone, due to the obvious tension between the two. Neither of then had noticed any of this though.




"Pippi Longstocking"

Richie finishes off as Alisa seems speechless, not able to think of anything else for a moment.


"Hot stuff"

"Gross, when did we start complimenting each other." Alisa rolls her eyes, backing away from him. " Well when did you become so pretty- -" Richie stops himself, quickly realizing what he had just said. Did he just call her pretty? This defeats the whole loudmouth purpose!

The red head scoffs, the corner of her mouth curving into a smirk. "Did the Richard Trashmouth Tozier just call me pretty?"

"What? No! I- I didn't call you that! I said- um- p-" Richie takes a moment to think, but Alisa was already on her way to her bike. "See ya, Trashmouth!" She calls out, putting her hand up to wave as she begins to ride off.

"I didn't call you pretty! I said- I said..." As he notices that she was too far to hear, his voice trails off into a quiet mumble. "Rich, you're a fucking idiot."

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 [R.Tozier] Where stories live. Discover now