XIX. Midnight Make-up

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Alisa lies on her cold and stiff bed, staring up at the ceiling

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Alisa lies on her cold and stiff bed, staring up at the ceiling. After Mike had dropped her off a few days ago, she had no one to talk to. Usually, her house would never be silent since Richie would always hang around. Now, with the two being in a fight, Alisa finds herself surrounded by silence. A silence she always thought she wanted, but hates as soon as she gets it.

'What is Richie doing right now?' She thought to herself. He could be angry at her, or at bill, or both. He could be smashing his walls, he could be anywhere. What if he ran away?

Alisa's thoughts cloud her mind like fog and it stays that way until late at night.


Richie felt terrible for what he had said. Not so much for Bill, but for Alisa. She was the girl he liked- no, loved, and he pretty much blew all of it. He was harsh to the both of them, but it didn't matter anymore. He couldn't go back.

He lies in bed, staring up at the ceiling and contemplating all the choices he's made up until now. Why oh why did it have to be Alisa? You could've fallen for anyone, but it had to be Alisa. With her pretty orange hair and her beautiful freckles.

It had been 5 hours of just silence for the two teenagers. They occasionally got up to use the bathroom, shower, eat, but all in silence. A deafening silence.

The quiet had been too much for young Richie to bare, so he looked to his side, looking directly to the boom box that lay on the side of his desk.

Grabbing the boom box, he runs down the stairs, holding it carefully.


Alisa has finally fallen asleep. It's nearly 1 in the morning now and the silence is much more deafening at this time. The whole town is asleep. The peace is quickly cut off by loud music playing from outside the Parker residence, awakening the red-head girl.

Freedom calls, and pippi runs. The girl who never heard she couldn't do something.

She blinks her eyes open, practically feeling the music in the pit of her stomach from how loud it was. The song was a familiar one. Getting up, yawning, she pushes up her window, sticking her head out. "Richie?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.

Watch out world, cause here she comes and she's bout to teach you more than one thing!

"That's my name, don't wear it out." He says, just as she did a few days ago.

"Pippi Longstocking is coming into your town!" Richie begins shouting to the music as he holds his hands up high. "The one, no one, can keep down! No, no, no, no! The one who's fun to be around!"

Alisa squints her eyes, smiling to herself, shaking her head. "What do you say, Pippi? Forgive me?" He calls out as the music continues to play loudly. She doesn't reply, she waits for a more convincing apology.

"Look, I'm a hot mess. Emphasis on hot." Richie calls out, giving her a sad smile. With a roll of her eyes, Alisa closes her window and runs down the steps, opening the front door and walking out to the back. "Bigger emphasis on mess. Come inside, Glasses. It's cold out here." She says, leading the boy inside. Richie chuckles, shaking his head as he walks in.

Alisa ignores the boy as she walks up the steps and sits down on her bed. My one says a word, it's more awkard than It's ever been before. "Um- uh- you know what's funny?" Richie does what he does best, makes a joke. "Z is just a sideways N." He nervously chuckles to himself.

"Go home, rich." The red-head said, looking directly into his large eyes. "Zo." Richie replies, leaving the room silent once again until a smile appears Alisa's lips, letting out a small laugh. "What?" Richie has a smile too, it's contagious. "Nothing, I missed your stupid jokes."

"Hey, my jokes aren't stupid!" Richie argues, putting his hands up in offense. "Everything that comes out of your mouth is stupid." Alisa replies. "Alisa Parker." Richie says, earning a slap to the arm. "I will fucking take you out, glasses." She glares at him.

"Great, it's a date." Richie smirks. "I mean that as a threat." Alisa explains, squinting her eyes. "3 o'clock tomorrow at the arcade." Richie winks, leaning his face in a little closer. "I don't think you understand ri-" her sentence is cut short by Richie's lips placing themselves onto hers. Alisa doesn't hesitate to kiss back. This kiss was more of a make out than just one kiss, but as the two stopped to breathe, they couldn't help but  smile at each other. "Im tired. Night, Longstocking." Richie says, getting under the blanket.

Alisa smiles to herself, getting into bed as well, snuggling up into the boy's chest. "Im sorry for being a jerk, Pippi." Richie whispers, wrapping an arm around her.

"I'm sorry too."

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