IX. What am I feeling?

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Alisa and Bill head home along with Richie, who decided to tag along

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Alisa and Bill head home along with Richie, who decided to tag along. Alisa, not having her bike, rode along once again with the loud mouthed boy. She pretend that it bothered her and that she'd much rather be with bill, but it really didn't bother her much.

"Hey, Bill, can I stay over today? My parents are still fighting and I don't think it's gonna go well." Richie asks his friend, who gave him a sympathetic look. "They're s-s-still fighting? Sorry, rich. My parents w-w-won't let me. But I'm sure A-A-Alisa can take you in, right?" The blue eyed boy looks over to the red head. He knew that she would catch feelings, strong ones, sooner or later, so might as well help her out.

"I mean, I guess. My parents are never around nowadays." Alisa sighs, leaning her head onto Richie's back.

The three finally arrive. "See ya, Bill." Alisa waves to the blue eyed boy as she enters her house along with Richie. "Bye, Billiam!" He calls out before she slams the door shut.

"So, where are you parents?" Richie asks, causing the girl to feel stress emanating from the pit of her stomach. "P-probably dead." She stutters, making her way upstairs.

"Oh.. um- I'm sorry." Richie sighs, taking a seat on the girl's bed once they enter her room. "It's fine. Anyways, why are your parents fighting?"

"They always do. Then they take it out on me." Richie explains, then looks to the red head, not being able to fight the urge of smiling. "Good thing I've got you, Pippi." He laughs, wrapping his arm around her.

Richie gets up from the bed, and points over to a small hole in the floor. "How'd That happen?" He asks. "How'd What hap- oh god!" She covers her eyes. Alisa suffers a severe case of Trypophobia, and the fact that she had seen that clown just a day ago did not necessarily help.

"Jeez, it's just a small hole, calm your tits." Richie chuckles, pulling the dusty rug over it. "It's called Trypophobia, dumbass. It's a fear of holes. And you're being an asshole so I'd rather not speak to you right now." Alisa says, still covering her eyes, afraid of looking to the floor again.

"Hey, Pippi. I covered it, it's fine." Richie takes her arm, removing her hand from her eyes as she looks down at the floor, to see a rug where the hole had been. "This house is dirty as fuck." Richie complains, swiping his finger along the floor, finding a dust covered finger.

"Just like your mind, Glasses."  Alisa jokes. "Oh, so you wanna go there, Parker." He smirks, swiping his entire hand onto the floor and wiping the dust all over her cheek.

"You did not just do that, Glasses!" Alisa's mouth hangs open in shock as Richie takes the opportunity to throw a dust ball directly into her mouth. "Asshole!" She shouts in between coughs as she gags on the dust.

Richie laughs uncontrollably. Alisa gets up, swipes her hand across a shelf and grabbing Richie's shirt, pulling him closer so she could smear the dust on his face. After doing so, the two had only just realized how close they were.

Alisa was basically pinned against the wall, holding Richie by his collar as the two stared directly into each other's eyes. All that was heard was their heavy breathing as the room reeked of hesitation.

"Anyways." Alisa chuckles after the moment of silence, pushing Richie off of her. "Don't do that again, or your ass is grass." Alisa continues to chuckle nervously, sitting back down on her dusty bed. Richie joins back, calming down, yet regretful that he hadn't just kissed her right then and there before she pushed him off.

"I think I better go take a shower." Alisa states, quick to get up from the bed, breaking their silence once again. "Would you like me to join, Pippi?" The boy asks, smirking. "Great offer, but I'll pass." Alisa sarcastically says as she heads out of the room, leaving Richie alone in his thoughts. 

Richie pushes open the girl's window, looking into Bill's. "Hey, Billiam! You there?" He calls out.

The curtains on the other side are pulled aside, revealing Bill who was looking directly to Richie.

"What does liking someone feel like?"

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