XII. Rock War

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"No, I love being your personal doorman, really

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"No, I love being your personal doorman, really. Could you idiots have taken any longer?" Richie rides around the group, returning back to his old Trashmouth self as of the kids had never happened. Nevertheless, Alisa remains silent.

"All right, shut up, Richie." Eddie says, fed up. "Yeah, shut up, Richie!" Stanley agrees. "Oh, okay, trash the trashmouth , I get it. Hey, I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween." Richie continues. "Hey, dumbass, you're making me dizzy, could you stop?" Alisa calls out, holding her palm to her forehead.

"She didn't imagine it." Bill begins, coming to a slow stop in the middle of the road. "I... I s-s-saw something, too." Except for Alisa and Richie, the group was curious as to what he was talking about. "You saw blood, too?" Stanley asks. Bill turns to his curly haired friend, and shakes his head.

"Not blood. I saw G-G-Georgie. It seemed so real. I mean, it seemed like him, but there was this..." Bill trails off, not so sure how to word it. "The clown." Eddie cuts in. "Yeah, I saw him, too." The losers all suddenly begin to feel sick, thinking back to their own experiences. They are all now realizing that they have all encountered this clown not too long ago.

A few moments go by until Richie breaks the silence. "Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Alisa shakes her head, rolling her eyes. "Not the time, Glasses."

Right then, loud yells and screams are heard coming from the hiking sight nearby. "Oh, shit, that's Belch Huggins' car." Eddie says, staring at the teal colored car. "We should probably get out of here."

"Wait, isn't that the homeschooled kid's bike?" Bill asks, pointing to a bike that had just been carelessly thrown on the ground. You could tell it was Mike Hanlon's from the meat in the front basket. "Yeah, that's Mike's." Alisa confirms, quickly making the horrifying connection. Mike was in trouble.

"We have to help him." A worried Beverly says, turning around to face the others behind her. "We should?" Richie seems unsure, squinting his eyes at her. "Yes!" Beverly shouts, dropping her bike and running towards the shouting. As Alisa and Richie fun alongside each other, she bumps his shoulder. "You're such a dumbass, Tozier."

"You're such a kiss-ass, Longstocking." Richie replies, rubbing ahead at full speed. "Quit calling me that, Glasses! Hey, get back here!" She shouts, running ahead to catch up as well.

While the losers run towards the 'EAT IT BITCH'-es and the 'YOU LITTLE FUCKER'-s, Poor Mike Hanlon's head is being pushed down into raw meat, being forced to eat it, yet he resists.

As mike glances above at the tall flowers and grass that hadn't been cut, probably ever, he finds a sight that will forever terrify him. A clown, munching on a child's arm, blood covered mouth. "Whatcha gonna do huh? Get up!" Henry shouts at him.

Mike begins lifting his body a little more as the clown uses the bloodied hand to wave to the boy. Mike gets up, not only because of Henry's shouting, but because of the horrifying sight. He assumed that that was why Henry Bowers was shouting for him to get up.

As he gets halfway up, Belch Huggins kicks him right in the face, sending him back down, pinned by Henry. He struggles to get out of Henry's grasp as Henry picks up a large rock, holding it high above Mike's head, ready to slam it at any moment.

Right before he has the chance, Beverly picks up a large rock and throws it right at Henry's forehead, knocking him over. "Nice throw." Stanley says in awe. "Thanks."

Mike takes his opportunity to crawl through the water, furthering himself from Henry. Alisa walks over, helping the boy up and making sure he can stand properly.

Meanwhile, the others pick up their own rocks, ready to defend themselves. "You losers are trying too hard." Henry begins, making his way a little more towards the losers, but very slowly.

"They'll do you. You just gotta ask nicely, like I did." Henry smirks to the two girls, roughly grabbing his crotch and pulling it upwards. Out of nowhere, Ben yells, like a battle cry, and pelts a rock right to Henry, only brushing the top of his head. "What the fuck?" Henry says in confusion.

After a moment of silence, Alisa throws her rock, aiming for Henry, but hitting Victor instead. The other three bend down, picking up their own rocks to fight back. "Rock war!" Richie screams, only to be hit right above his glasses in the face with a rock.

The boy falls backwards, still trying to process what had just happened. "Rich, are you okay?!" Alisa says, crouching down beside him. "Now you're the one who said my name." Richie smirks, holding out his hand for help. After an eye roll, the red head helps him up and they continue to fight back against the Bowers Gang.

The losers spend the next minute or so dodging rocks and inching closer, getting better aim. Eddie even went so far as to jump into the water, something that no one had expected him to do.

Feeling threatened, Belch and Victor abandon their friend, swearing out the losers as they run off. Henry stays, lying on the ground, seemingly helpless for once. It's quite surprising to the losers that they've finally defeated the infamous Henry Bowers after years of being bullied.

Stanley helps mike get up the small hill and the others follow slowly behind, leaving Richie and Alisa, standing beside each other, glaring directly at the Bowers boy. "Go blow your dad, you mullet-wearing asshole!" Alisa and Richie both scream at the same time, shocked as to how they always seem to know exactly what the other will say. The two flip Henry off, then chuckle as they follow behind the other losers.

"Ah, Pippi, that never gets old." Richie says, smiling widely at the girl. "You gotta stop copying me, Glasses." Alisa jokes. "I'm appalled that you think I'm the one copying! If anything it's you!" Richie puts his hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever you say, Glasses."

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 [R.Tozier] Where stories live. Discover now