XX. Painful Date

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"Stop! Wait! Rich! I can't play this game!" Alisa shrieks as Richie continuously wins against her character in StreetFighter

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"Stop! Wait! Rich! I can't play this game!" Alisa shrieks as Richie continuously wins against her character in StreetFighter. It's quite difficult for the girl, especially since she has no idea how to play.

"This is unfair. I don't even know how to play and I can barely use my left hand." Alisa whines. Richie laughs at the girl, taking a piece of her hair and putting it behind her ear.

"Come on, I've been trying to teach you how to teach you how to play this game for over two hours." Richie argues. "I've wasted nearly all my money on tokens."

"Well, now it's my turn." Alisa smirks. "Your turn to what?" Richie squints as Alisa grabs his hand, pulling him out of the arcade. "You'll see, get on the bike. I'll give you directions."


The two ride along for about ten minutes before arrive in front of a large building. "What's this?" Richie asks, yet doesn't get an answer.

The two get inside and stop at the front counter. "Richie, what's your shoe size?" Alisa asks the boy. "What why?"

"Just tell me."

"Um- alright. 7" Richie shrugs. About a minute later, an employee with a ton of acne, definitely around 17 years old appears from behind the counter. "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Size 5 for me, and 7 for him." Alisa smiles to the boy, who turns around and goes to the back. "What is this? Some bowling alley or what?" Richie asks, but no answer once again.

"Thank you." Alisa takes the ice skates from the 17 year old and leads Richie to the benches nearby. "What- I cant skate, Ally." Richie holds the skates in confusion, not even sure how to put them on.

"And I can't play StreetFighter. Come on, I'll teach you." Alisa says as she slips on the skates, tying the laces and helping Richie with his.


The two teenagers walk into the ice. Alisa is confident, whilst Richie struggles not to slip. "Here, take my hands, I'll help you." The red head smiles, grabbing the boy's hands. "Ready?" Richie nods, and the two set off.

"Woah, what the fuck." Richie mutters as his legs shake, holding on tightly to the girl. "Don't bend your knees so much, just relax." Alisa says softly, proceeding to slowly let go of his hands and backing away.

"Holy shit! I'm doing it! What the f-" his parade is cut short by his face hitting the ice as he falls down. Alisa can't hold in her laughs as she quickly skates over to him, crouching down. "You alright, glasses?" She chuckles, putting out her hand.

"Just peachy."


The two decide to return to the Parker residence after Richie having had enough of falling. By now, nearly every part of his body was in pain. "You are terrible at skating." Alisa laughs as she helps the boy clean a cut that he had gotten on his lip from banging into the side of the ice rink.

"Well, you're terrible at StreetFighter." Richie argues. "I won't deny that." The girl chuckles, putting the towel down. "I'm in pain. You're lucky StreetFighter can't hurt you in real life." Richie says, sitting down on the girl's bed.

"Chillax, rich. It's not that big of deal, plus, it was kinda funny." The red head chuckles, placing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Ha-ha. Richie fell down and nearly died, haha-" the boy is cut off by Alisa kissing him, then smiling as she pulls out. "Beep beep, Glasses. Come on, it's already dark out, I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Best summer ever. Fuck that clown."

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 [R.Tozier] Where stories live. Discover now