XXI. Final Battle

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Alisa and Richie play StreetFighter and for once, Alisa finally understands it. Since their date, she had be practicing a ton and this would most likely be her first time winning. "Holy shit, Pippi! You're gonna win!" Richie shouts as he tries extremely hard to defeat the girl, yet continues to struggle.

"Hell yeah i am-" Suddenly, Alisa feels another sharp pain coming from her head, like the headache she had nearly a month ago. "Yeah! I won!" Richie cheers, then stops as he notices that the girl had collapsed onto the ground, clutching her hair.

"It's happening again, it's happening again." She mutters, trying not to freak out. "Beverly. Beverly!" She begins screaming and crying, pulling hard at her hair.

"Ally! Ally!" Richie screams, crouching down beside the girl. By now, a crowd of kids were surrounding the two to see what the commotion was about. "Not safe! It's back! She's not safe, Richie!"

Alisa finds herself once again in the cold, snowy, quiet world, opening her eyes and looking around as her ear rings viciously. "It's not over, Pippi. My plan will never fail! Never!" The clown appears, its voice sounding close, yet so far away at the same time.

"Leave me and my friends alone you fucking clown!" Alisa screams as she sobs. Her tears roll down her cheeks, sizzling from the heat coming from her head. She was heating up to the point where it was getting hard to breathe for the girl. One more maniac laugh from the clown and she's back to the real world, in Richie's arms, sobbing.

"Jeez! Ally! Oh my god!" Richie jumps at the sudden heat as he holds the girl. "I always thought you were hot but I never thought you could actually burn my hand." Richie shakes his hand in pain, noticing he had gotten a small burn.

Suddenly, someone entered through the door, shocked to see what was happening. Alisa, on the floor, sobbing into Richie's arms as smoke arises from her.

"Richie! Ally!" Bill shouts, pushing through the crowd and crouching down beside the two. "Bill! Is Bev okay? Please tell me she's okay." Ally tries to get up, but only falls back down.

"Quit worrying about Beverly, worry about yourself! What the fuck just happened, Alisa!" Richie shouts, and for the first time ever, uses her full name. The boy was really worried.

The girl sighs, not moving and simply looking up to Bill. "What do you want?" Richie asks with an attitude. "I-I-I-It got Beverly. H-How did you know, Ally?" Bill asks, wide eyes.

"I saw it happen, in my head." Alisa manages to say, forcing herself on her feet, held up by Richie. "What are you talking about?" The four-eyed boy asks.

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 [R.Tozier] Where stories live. Discover now