Escape Time

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AN- Sorry if updates are really slow for the few of you who've been reading my story, but I've been having a lot of school work piling up

Joules' POV

"If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna need to get into that watchtower. And to do that, I'm gonna need a few things. The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one." Rocket started to explain to me, Groot, Gamora, and Peter as we got our "food" from the cafeteria.

"Leave it to me." Gamora told him.

"That dude, there. I need his prosthetic leg." As soon as he said that, I knew he was kidding, but decided to go along with it.

"His leg?"

"Yeah. And finally, on the wall back there is a black panel. Blinky yellow light. Do you see it?" Rocket motioned to said panel by nodding his head towards it.


"There's a quarnyx battery behind it. The main power source for the security system in this place." I explained as we got to our table.

"Purplish box, green wires. To get into that watchtower, I definitely need it." Rocket finished explaining.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Gamora asked.

"Well, supposably, these bald-bodies find you attractive. So, maybe you can work out some sort of trade."

"You must be joking."

"No, I really heard they find you attractive."

"Look, it's 20 feet up in the air, and it's in the middle of the most heavily guarded part of the prison. It's impossible to get up there without being seen." Peter points out and I roll my eyes at how he's stating a very obvious fact.

"I got one plan, and that plan requires a quarnyx battery, so figure it out!" Rocket yells the last part in emphasis, "Can I get back to it? Thanks. Now, this is important. Once the battery is removed, everything is gonna slam into emergency mode. Once we have it, we gotta move quickly, so you definitely need to get that last." Rocket was cut off by red strobe lights and alarms going off.

When we turned around we saw Groot standing under an open panel and holding out the quarnyx battery to us with a smile.

"Or we could just get it first and improvise." Rocket exasperated.

"I'll get the armband." Gamora stated.

"Leg." Peter said and Rocket pulled at his fur in stress as they both went off the get the thing we need, and one unnecessary part, when flying drones started to surround Groot.

"C'mon, let's give Groot a hand." I tapped Rocket's arm with the back of my hand as picked up a lunch tray before running to him, dodging prisoners who were running back to their cells at the sound of the alarms.

"Prisoner, drop the device immediately and retreat to your cell, or we will open fire." The guard in the watchtower ordered. Groot just grew out his branches and vines and yelled,

"I am Groot!"

"Fire!" All the drones started shooting at Groot from all directions as the same guard told all the other prisoners,

"All prisoners return to your sleeping areas."

I was deflecting gunshots away using the lunch tray as I noticed Rocket making his way over to me and Groot, avoiding as much gunfire as he could, before scampering up Groot's shoulder as he yelled at him,

"You idiot! How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?"

"Do you think you could at least get this collar off of me so I can fight?" I asked them as Groot blocked a drone's rapid-fire with a branch shield after a gunshot completely melted the metal lunch tray, surprised it lasted this long.

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