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3rd Person POV

"Let's get baldy back to Xandar and retrieve that bounty!" Rocket announced almost upbeat as he started to fly the Milano off of Sovereign. After Gamora, Peter, and Drax went to go do their own thing, JJ and Gora joined Rocket and Groot on the bridge as he piloted and Groot plastered himself on the window looking down on the planet.

"Argh! My boots busted again!" JJ thumped her foot down several times, trying to get the orbs out, but they started smoking and sparking up to where she had to pull them off and use the fire extinguisher on them.

"At least they worked during the fight, now we know the tech works." Rocket noted before adding, "Thanks to my genius contribution."

"If I recall, JJ designed most of the inner workings, all you did was supply the explosives." Gora critiqued as she preened her tail before Groot peeled himself from the glass to try to catch her tail.

"Yeah the same explosives that ended up savin' our hides."

JJ rolled her eyes at that before continuing to try to fix her boots before a thought occurred to her and she asked,

"Hey Gora? Why did they hate our people so much? I mean, I get why we hate them, but why do they hate us?"

"For starters, our people had no quarrel with them, not until the day they attempted to launch an attack on the planet, luckily they couldn't get past the atmospheric storms and declared it a lost cause."

"So in addition to narcissistic nutcases, they're also cowards?"

"In any case, because no two Chrysintheans looked alike, even within families, the Sovereign viewed our people as imperfections, and with all the 'Observers' that would leave the planet to live and report on those planets, we became known to them as a virus to be rid of."

"That's messed up." Rocket commented from his seat.

"Yeah..." JJ added, already having lost interest in the subject as she managed to fix her boots with a triumphant whoop of joy before standing up and flipping her goggles over her face with a quick nod.

"Think fast!" Rocket threw a wrench to JJ, who thumped her boot down and sent a few orbs out, directing them to hover in front of her face and create an energy barrier, stopping the wrench from hitting her and repelling it back to where it came from.


"Should've thrown somethin' smaller." JJ commented before calling the orbs back in and saying, "Imma go see if Gamora wants to practice spar."

Heading down to the part of the Milano where Gamora was about to lock her sister up, said sister noticed the recently filled bowl of fruit and demands,

"I am hungry. Hand me some of that yaro root."

"No. It's not ripe yet. And I hate you."

"You hate me?! You left me there while you stole that stone for yourself. Yet here you stand, a hero. I will be free of these shackles soon enough, and I'll kill you, I swear it."

Her threat goes untaken as Gamora calmly responded,

"No. You're going to live out the rest of your days in a prison on Xandar, wishing you could."

Nebula jolted forward making JJ flinch but not Gamora as an alarm started to sound from above.

"Come on, let's go see what's up." Gamora patted JJ's arm before heading up, JJ staying behind long enough to notice the death glare that Nebula sent her way specifically.

"This is weird, we got a Sovereign fleet, approaching from the rear." Peter announced as the two came up to sit in their seats in the cockpit.

"Why would they do that?" Gamora questioned.

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