(Another) Prison Break

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3rd Person POV

After Nebula successfully restrained JJ, she was brought to the cell with the others as they were all thrown in together and she had managed to shake out of her frenzied state, but was severely weakened and looked completely out of it.

"We'll deliver you to the Kree in the morning. Not one of you is gonna last much longer after that." Taserface warned them as he closed the cell door behind them.

"Okay. Hey, tell the other guys we said hi, Taserface!" Rocket yelled through the bars as JJ started to come to with a weak laugh,

"Heh heh stupid name..."

"No offense, but your employees are a bunch of jerks." Rocket directed to Yondu as he sat against the wall before he started his spiel,

"I was a Kree battle-slave for twenty years when Stakar freed me. He offered me a place in the Ravagers... said all I needed to do was adhere to the code... but I was young and greedy and stupid... like you stealing those batteries."

"That was mostly Drax."

"Keep tellin' yerself that..." JJ slurred tiredly.

"Shut up..." Rocket snapped making JJ chuckle again.

"Me and Stakar, and the other captains, we weren't so different from you and your friends. The only family I ever had. But I broke the code. They exiled me. This is what I deserve."

"Slow down, drama queen. You might deserve this, but we don't. We gotta get out of here." Rocket told him getting up from where he was standing to look around their confinement.

"Where's Quill?"

"Went off with his old man."


"Yeah. It's a day for dumba** names."

Yondu snickered before Rocket cut in with,

"You smiled and for a second I got a warm feeling, but then it was ruined by those disgusting-a** teeth."

"You're like a professional a**hole or what?

"Pretty much a pro. Why didn't you deliver Quill to Ego like you promised?"

"He was skinny, could fit into places we couldn't. Good for thieving."

"Uh huh..." Rocket responded, unconvinced that that was the whole truth making Yondu look uncomfortable before telling them,

"I got an idea on how to get outta here. But we're gonna need your little friend."

A short while later, Groot came trudging along past their cell, dressed in a tiny Ravager uniform that looked like it had been ripped in several places and was dripping in amber-colored liquid.

"Hey, twig. C'mere." Yondu called Groot over to them and he slowly walked over to them, Rocket grabbing the bars of their cell in worry before he asked,

"Oh, man. What'd they do to you?"

"Hey, you wanna help us get outta here?"

Groot nodded softly before Yondu started to explain to him,

"There's something I need you to get, and bring back to me. In the Cap'n's quarters, there's a prototype fin, like the thing I wore on my head. There's a drawer next to the bunk. It's inside that. It's red. You got it?"

Multiple tries later, Groot brought them Yondu's underwear, an Orloni, a Ravager's cybernetic eye, a desk, and severed toe. Eventually, after a pointless discussion as to why Groot hated hats, he left with Yondu's Ravager patch to guide him to the right drawer to look in.

"How much you wanna bet he doesn't get it." JJ bet since she was feeling a little more awake and was trying to pick the lock to her cuffs with a piece of metal she found before it snapped in half.

A metallic clang got their attention and they looked up to see Kraglin with Groot on his shoulder with a solemn look on his face.

"I didn't mean to do a mutiny..." He spoke in a sadly guilty tone while his eyes teared up, "They killed all my friends."

There was a moment of silence before Yondu ordered,

"Go get the third quadrant ready for release."

Kraglin giving the Ravager salute before letting Groot down onto the bars of the cell after giving him the keys to JJ's and Gora's locks.

"One more thing." Rocket stopped Kraglin from leaving long enough to ask him, "You got any clones of Quill's old music on the ship?"

A few minutes later, Rocket had finished fixing Yondu's fin and JJ had unlocked hers and Gora's restraints and Rocket had managed to patch Quill's music through the ship's PA system. As soon as the two guards opened the doors to see what was going on, Yondu summoned his Yaka arrow and pierced through them and they strode out of the cell like it was nothing as music played in the background. Rocket armed himself with the weapons of the fallen guards before telling JJ,

"Get the quadrant and give it as big of a power boost as you can for when we blow this joint."

"Awww but I want to fry some traitors." JJ complained before Rocket gave her the look and she gave in, "Fine..."

Before touching the wall beside her and electroporting away, she jumped out right outside the quadrant's door, startling Kraglin as he was about to get in.

"Are ya gonna stand there starin' or are we gonna get this thing moving?" JJ asked impatiently as she got inside with Kraglin behind her to start up the ship.

"Give'er a jolt... now!"

Touching a hand to the console in front of her, JJ focused what energy she did have into the engine and all the lights brightened as the energy spread to the rest of the ship. A couple of minutes later, Yondu, Rocket, Groot, and Gora came running in with Rocket grumbling behind them.

"What happened?"

"This whole ship's 'bout to blow is what happened?"

"What?! When you said we'd blow the joint I didn't you meant you'd actually blow it up!"

"For once it actually wasn't my idea!"

"Pipe down you two!" Yondu yelled to the two of them before ordering, "Kraglin, release the quadrant."

"Aye Capn'."

They managed to detach the ship just as the Eclector blew up and the explosion's shockwave pushed them further out into space. Onboard, Rocket pulls up the navigation panel right before Kraglin asks,

"Where to, Cap'n?"

Rocket interrupting as he set the destination,


"No, boy!" Yondu's warning came too late as the ship began to travel through multiple jump points, each time they passed through to another world everyone minus JJ and Gora's physical features started to distort more and more.

"It ain't healthy for a mammalian body to hop over fifty jumps at a time." Yondu explained as his mouth got laughably bigger and wider.

"I know that." Rocket snarked.

"We're about to do seven-hundred." Yondu emphasized as Rocket's eyes got bigger, Groot's mouth got bigger than his face, and one of Kraglin's eyes got bigger than the other.

"Heh mammals..." JJ smirked as she and Gora watched their transformations with amusement.

1194 Words

AN- I'm really sorry for not updating recently but I've got a lot going on in my life right now with school and family issues that need sorting out. I will still be trying to update as soon as I can, especially with my new laptop working better than my mom's laptop, but I probably won't be able to update every Friday like I used to with all the stuff I got going on right now. Thank you to those of you who still read my stories and I hope to not disappoint you with how my stories are going.

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