Daddy Quill?

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"Look at this! Where's the other half of our ship?!" Gamora screamed as everyone gathered around to survey the damage the Milano took.

"My ship." Quill corrected, only to get yelled at,

"Either one of you could have gotten us through that field, if you had flown with what's between your ears instead of what's between your legs!"

"If what's between my legs had a hand on it, I guarantee I could have landed this ship."

"I still say you both would've crashed us either way..." I mumbled, earning a swat to the back of my head from Gora.

"Peter. We almost died because of your arrogance."

"More like because he stole Anulax batteries!" Quill pointed to Rocket in accusation and Gora and I each glared at him before she swatted him.

"They're called Harbulary batteries." Drax argued before Quill argued back,

"No, they're not!"

"You know why I did it, Star-Munch? Huh?" Rocket sassed.

"I'm not going to answer to 'Star-Munch.'"

"I did it because I wanted to."

"Dick." Quill grumbled before Rocket yelled,

"What are we even talking about this for? We just had a little man save us by blowing up fifty ships!"

"How little?"

Rocket roughly measured with his finger and thumb, which added up to an inch,

"Like this?"

"A little one-inch man saved us?" Gamora questioned skeptically.

"Well, if he got closer I'm sure he'd be much larger." Rocket's response made me facepalm and groan internally as Quill stated,

"Yeah that's how eyesight works, you stupid raccoon."

"Don't call me a raccoon!"

"I'm sorry, I took it too far... I meant 'trash panda.'"

Rocket looks at me and Drax unsurely.

"Is that better?"

"I don't know." Drax responded and I just shrugged with my arms crossed.

"It's worse. It's so much worse." Quill smirked.

"You son-of-a-!" Rocket jumped forward and tried to snap at Quill as I told everyone,

"It's true, I saw him too."

"Of course you agree with him." Drax stated like it was obvious.

"What's that s'posed to mean?" I looked to Drax in irritated annoyance.

"Is he not your master? Like a pet?"

"I ain't no one's pet!" I was about to fry some sense into his hollow noggin when I felt Gora's spines snag both my wrists as sparks crackled around my fists.

"Don't!" Gora shouted as she struggled to keep me from frying Drax as Rocket kept trying to bite Quill before Nebula pointed out to us,

"Someone followed you through the jump point."

Sure enough, the blue psychopath was right and the white, ovalish spaceship from before was coming down from the sky. We all stop fighting and get in a circle back to back; sparks crackled above my palms, Rocket cocked his gun, Drax got the gun he used before ready, Quill got out his blasters, and Gamora kept ahold of her sister when she tried to bargain with us,

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