Knowhere Battles

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3rd Person POV

"Don't you move! Get out of the way!" Yondu yelled again as he and his Ravager companions started shoving people out of the way to get to Peter.

Meanwhile, Peter, Gamora, and Rocket ran to get away from the Ravagers and Drax was still facing Ronan with his blades in the air.

"Ronan the Accuser!"

"You are the one who transmitted the message?" Ronan asked darkly in disbelief.

"You killed my wife. You killed my daughter!" Drax yelled out in anger as Peter, Gamora, and Rocket made their way over to some mining pods to fly back to the Milano, after pushing out the people who were in them previously. Groot trailed behind carrying JJ in his arms since she still hadn't woken up and purple sparks were coming off of her every few seconds.

"I told you, you can't fit." Rocket told Groot as he was boarding one of the mining pods, "Now, wait here with JJ. I'll be back."

Firing the pods up, Gamora and the others in the pods took off, catching the attention of Gamora's sister, Nebula, and she and a few of Ronan's soldiers prepared to pursue them.

About to take off, Ronan scoffed at Drax and turned to leave with Nebula before Drax yelled out and attempted to strike him with his blades.

"Nebula," Ronan ducked down smoothly to avoid Drax's blow, "Retrieve the Orb." He commanded as he parried another strike and forced Drax down to the ground.

After Nebula's pod took off, Drax tried to strike at Ronan high and low, but every hit was dodged and reflected. He even tried to jump attack him, but it resulted in both of his blades being hit out of his grasp.

At the same time, Rocket and Peter were offering Gamora cover by ramming into the Necrocrafts. Peter managed to gain control of one of the crafts and used it to shoot down several of the other ships that were in pursuit of Gamora.

Back with Drax, he was currently being held in a chokehold by one of Ronan's hands as Drax tried to free himself by punching him in the gut until Ronan had enough and flipped him down to the ground and pinned him there.

"I don't recall killing your family." Ronan released his hold on Drax's neck, allowing him to gasp for air before continuing, "I doubt I'll remember killing you, either."

With the pod crew, Gamora was being forced against a wall of Knowhere and resorted to flying outside in the vacuum of space to shake Nebula and the soldiers, but had her pod blown apart by Nebula after trying to reason with her.

At the same time, Drax had been taken out by Ronan as he threw him in a vat of yellow spinal fluid to drown. As Ronan watched the air bubbles cease to rise to the surface of the yellow liquid, he felt something hit his back, but barely flinched.

Turning around, JJ was there, Groot having left her behind to help others get away from the chaos, holding a rock in her hand as she weakly clutched her side with a purple glowing in her hand.

"I don't have time for this, insolent child." Ronan flipped his hammer in his hand before smacking it into JJ's side after she tried to tackle him. The hit made her fly into the side of a building and fall limply to the ground, still struggling to push herself up as Ronan walked back to his ship.

After taking the Orb, Nebula and her fleet retreated back to the Dark Aster before Peter got taken in by the Ravagers trying to save Gamora's life, against Rocket's advice.

Meanwhile, Groot had fished Drax out from the vat and stabbed an area above his collarbone to force the liquid out of his body, allowing him to breathe again while JJ weakly jump-started his heart with an electric shock.

"Blasted idiot. They're all idiots! Quill just got himself captured." Rocket told himself before telling the others as he climbed out of the miner pod before yelling to Drax. "None of this ever would have happened if you didn't try to single-handedly take on a frickin' army!"

"You're right... I was a fool. All the anger... all the rage... was just to cover my loss." Drax admitted as he looked to the ground in shame right before Rocket told him,

"Oh boo hoo my wife and child are dead."

Groot gasped at Rocket's insensitivity while JJ just glared and shook her head in disappointment.

"I don't care if it's mean! Everybody's got dead people. It's no excuse to get everybody else dead along the way!" Groot's glare deepened at Rocket's outburst and he looked guilty for a split-second before shaking it off and saying,

"Come on, Groot, JJ. Ronan has the Stone. The only chance we got is to get to the other side of the universe as fast as we can and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to live full lives before that whack-job ever gets there." Rocket turned to leave with JJ following him looking mournful until Groot stood up from where he was crouching over Drax.

"I am Groot."

"Save them?" Rocket started.

"How?" JJ asked with a mix of hope and doubt.

"I am Groot."

"He's got a point there Rocket." JJ directed to him.

"I know they're the only friends that we've ever had, but there's an army of Ravagers around them. And there's only three of us!"

"Four." Drax stood up and placed a hand on Groot's shoulder and JJ's head as they smiled at Rocket before he started to growl and grip his fur in fists as he looked to hit something. He started kicking a tuft of grass behind him saying each word as he kicked it,

"You're making me beat. up. grass!"

"Come on Rocket, we got new friends to save." JJ ran off in the direction of the Milano with Drax, Groot, and Rocket, grudgingly, following her.

Time Skip

"Alright kid, finish wiring this circuit board and then hand it to Drax." Rocket handed JJ a half-finished weapon as he made his way to the cockpit, who accepted it with a confused, and slightly worried look on her face.

She did what she was told, charging the weapon with some of the purple, excess energy she still had from being hit with one of the Infinity Stone's power before putting the hatch back over the circuits and handing it to Drax, who went down to the airlock ejection, grinning like a madman.

"Uh... what are you planning?"

"Just a little friendly persuasion." Rocket replied as he sat in the front seat of the Milano as the Ravager ship came into view and Rocket aimed the Milano's blasters at it.

"Wait, no!" Her warning came too late as the blasts landed hits on the ship and Rocket proceeded to announce on the ship's outer intercoms,

"Attention, idiots. The lunatic on top of this craft is holding a Hadron Enforcer. A weapon of my own design. If you don't hand over our companions now, he's gonna tear your ship a new one. A very big new one! I'm giving you to the count of five."

"Rocket seriously you can't-" JJ didn't get to finish her sentence before Rocket started counting down,

"5, 4, 3..."

"No! Wait, hold on! Rocket, it's me! We figured it out! We're fine!" We heard Peter's voice come from the Ravager ship just as Drax was about to fire the Hadron Enforcer.

"Oh hey, Quill. What's going on?" Rocket spoke back and JJ gave him the patented squinted 'what?' look.

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